
Git repo for creating AWS API Gateway

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Terraform AWS API Gateway

Git repo for creating AWS API Gateway

Purpose of this Module

  • This module proivde facility to create AWS API Gateway REST API
  • Add predefined tags to API Gateway for monitoring and billing
  • Provide flexibility to provide resource policy in json format from outside. please also note it provide facility to inject aws account,region on the fly

Dependencies and Prerequisites

  • Terraform version 0.12 and higher
  • AWS account

Important Variables

variable name is required Default Value Type Notes
region N eu-west-1 string Valid AWS Region
region_id N euw1 string Region Identifier. for more information about this please refer following sections
seq_id N 001 string usually some sequential number.
environment N dev string indicates name of our environment.it can be anything. Possible values dev,cit,sit,uat,pprod,prod,n. for more information refer following sections.
cost_centre N na string A part of an organization to which bill might be charged.e.g. finance/it/hr/wholesale/retail/investment etc...

for complete list of variables please refer variables.tf of this module.



  • short indicator for region
  • it can be max 5 char.
  • for eu-west-1 it is euw1
  • for ap-southeast-1, singapore i.e. apse1
  • please note these are indicator for ideal region_id. one can use its own standard if needed.


  • It represents an entity which will own cost for resources created in this module .
  • Any org can have multiple departments wfollowing cost centres. following values are indicative.one can use their own indicator,but one need to follow same throughout.
  • all small case letters
  • length 1 to 4 chars
Possible Cost Centres value
admin admn
infrastructure infra
techsupport tsup
hr hr
it it
legal lgl
finance fin
wholesale whsl
retail rtl
manufacturing mfg
banking bank
investment inv
marketing mkt


  • It represents the environment for which this resource created for.
  • length 1 to 3 chars
  • all small case letters
  • Possible values
Value Important Note
dev for Development environment
cit specific to Component Integration Testing
sit specific to System Integration Testing
uat specific to User Acceptance Testing
pre specific to Preprod environment
n VPC which is not for production env
p VPC for Production environment

Important Notes for Tags

This module add/override following tags to various resources created.

Tag Key Variable Notes
RegionId region_id Represent indicator for region in which resource present
Environment environment Represent Environment.
CostCentre cost_centre some predefined, unique identifier across org for identifying entity responsible for cost.
VersionId version_id it is less signficant,but if anyone want to track it is good idea
BuildDate build_date it is less signficant,but if someone wants to track date(predefine date format defined in your org) then it is good indicator for date on which this component/resource created/updated
AppRole it is constant with value network for various resources created by this module.
AppService app_service application service for which this API Gateway created.


Example for creating Private API Gateway

module "simple-api-gw" {
  region               = "eu-central-1"
  region_id            = "euc1"
  seq_id               = "001"
  environment          = "n"
  cost_centre          = "infra"
  build_date           = "14022020"
  version_id           = "001"
  app_service          = "myapp"
  api_description      = "API Resource for testing"
  end_point_type       = ["PRIVATE"]
  vpc_endpoint_ids     = ["XXXX", "yyyyy"]
  policy_file_location = "/init/api-gw-access-policy.json"
