
Introduction to using SAT and SMT

SPLV summer school: introduction to SAT and SMT (a user's perspective)

We have two 90 minute lectures (which will be split into two 45 minute-ish halves). We'll cover:

  • intro to propositional SAT
  • how to use SAT solvers
  • some examples of using SAT solvers (inc. via CBMC)
  • intro to SMT
  • how to use SMT solvers
  • application of SMT solving: Amazon Zelkova
  • application of SMT solving: Synthesis
  • using UCLID5 to generate SAT/SMT models


I'll be using the following tools:

  • Day 1+2: The Z3 SMT solver (which also allows you to use its internal SAT solver directly)
  • Day 1: CBMC - a bounded model checker for C programs
  • Day 2: UCLID5 - a modeling and verification tool that interfaces with SMT solvers
  • Day 2: CVC5 - an SMT solver and synthesis solver

Other tools

I'm not using them, but the following tools are worth a mention:

  • MiniSAT: a really simple SAT solver
  • RISS: a SAT solver good at incremental SAT solving and parallel SAT solving
  • DReal: an SMT solver specialising in real arithmetic
  • BitWuzla: An SMT solver specialising in bitvectors and floating point arithmetic


All the examples from the slides are in the examples directory, except Example 4, which is too large, and example 7 which is Amazon's Zelkova

  • Example 1: checking equivalence of code
  • Example 2: professorial room allocation
  • Example 3: simple CBMC example
  • Example 4: CBMC for Xen
  • Example 5: simple SMT
  • Example 6: Sudoku (with various encodings)
  • Example 7: Zelkova
  • Example 8: Invariants
  • Example 9: UCLID5 examples

File extensions tell you which tool you can use to run the file:

  • name.c is a C file. Run cbmc name.c --trace
  • name.smt2 can be run with Z3 or CVC5. Run z3 name.smt2
  • name.dimacs can be run with Z3
  • name.sl is a synthesis file, run with CVC5
  • name.ucl is a UCLID5 file, run uclid5 name.ucl