
RxJava style API for android camera

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


RxJava style camera API for android, it based on android.hardware.camera

Add to your project dependence:

repositories {
dependencies {
	compile 'com.ragnarok.rxcamera:lib:0.0.3'


  1. set the camera parameter by choose a RxCameraConfig, which created by RxCameraConfigChooser:

    RxCameraConfig config = RxCameraConfigChooser.obtain().
            setPreferPreviewFrameRate(15, 30).
            setPreferPreviewSize(new Point(640, 480)).

    for all camera currently support, please see RxCameraConfig

  2. open camera

    RxCamera.open(context, config)

    it return an RxJava Observable object, the type is Observable<RxCamera>

  3. bind a SurfaceView or TextureView and startPreview

    since RxCamera.open is return an Observable, so you can chain the call like this

    RxCamera.open(this, config).flatMap(new Func1<RxCamera, Observable<RxCamera>>() {
          public Observable<RxCamera> call(RxCamera rxCamera) {
              return rxCamera.bindTexture(textureView);
              // or bind a SurfaceView:
              // rxCamera.bindSurface(SurfaceView)
    }).flatMap(new Func1<RxCamera, Observable<RxCamera>>() {
          public Observable<RxCamera> call(RxCamera rxCamera) {
              return rxCamera.startPreview();

    both RxCamera.bindTexture and RxCamera.startPreview will return an Observable<RxCamera> object

    PS: if set isHandleSurfaceEventto true(set by setHandleSurfaceEvent(true) in RxCameraConfigChooser), RxCamera will do the actual camera start preview action when the surface is available, otherwise it will start preview immediately, and may failed if surface is not available, in this case, the return Observable will call onError

  4. request camera data

    RxCamera support many styles of camera data requests:

    • successiveDataRequest


      it will return the camera data infinitely

    • periodicDataRequest


      as the name, it will return camera data periodic, pass the interval in millisecond

    • oneShotRequest


      it will return the camera data only once

    • takePictureRequest

       camera.request().takePictureRequest(boolean isContinuePreview, Func shutterAction, boolean openFlash)

      the encapsulation of takePicture API, if isContinuePreview set to true, the RxCamera will try to restart preview after capture the picture, otherwise will behave as system takePicture call, stop preview after captured successfully

      and the shutterAction will called after picture just captured, like the [ShutterCallback] (http://developer.android.com/intl/es/reference/android/hardware/Camera.ShutterCallback.html) (actually it is called in the system shutterCallback)

      and the openFlash if set to true, it will open the flash when taking picture, and automatically close it after this request

    all the data request will return an Observalbe<RxCameraData>

    the RxCameraData contained two fields:

    • byte[] cameraData, the raw data of camera, for the takePicture request, it will return the jpeg encode byte, other request just return raw camera preview data, if you don't set preview format, the default is YUV420SP
    • Matrix rotateMatrix, this matrix help you rotate the camera data in portrait
  5. camera action request

    the camera action request will change the behavior of the camera

    • zoom and somoothZoom action:

       camera.action().zoom(int level)
       camera.action().smoothZoom(int level)

      change the camera zoom level

    • open or close the flash

       camera.action().flashAction(boolean isOn)
    • area focus and area metering

      camera.action().areaFocusAction(List<Camera.Area> focusAreaList)
      camera.action().areaMeterAction(List<Camera.Area> focusAreaList)

      and there is a helper function to convert the coordinate to [-1000, 1000], which is suitable for Camera.Area, in CameraUtil:

      Rect transferCameraAreaFromOuterSize(Point center, Point outerSize, int size)

      check out the example to see how to use this

This project still in very early stage, and welcome the pull request