
Vim syntax files for Python

Primary LanguageVim scriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Python Syntax Highlighting

Python syntax files for use with vim.

These files were copied from the python-mode plugin in May 2017. That project bundles lots of features, but I wanted to use the syntax files without having to use other parts of the plugin.



Include the following in your .vimrc (vim) or init.vim (neovim):

call plug#begin()
    Plug 'poliquin/python-syn-vim'
call plug#end()


Include the following in your .vimrc (vim) or init.vim (neovim):

call vundle#begin()
    Plugin 'poliquin/python-syn-vim'
call vundle#end()


Clone the repo to your bundles/ directory:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/poliquin/python-syn-vim.git


The syntax file contains a number of options, which have been renamed to use the pysyn prefix instead of the pymode prefix. For example, toggle the g:pysyn_syntax_highlight_self option to change highlighting of the self keyword. See syntax/python.vim for all the options.


The python-mode plugin, on which this repo is based, is copyright © 2013-2015 Kirill Klenov (klen_) and licensed under the "GNU lesser general public license."

This repo is likewise licensed under the "GNU lesser general public license." See the LICENSE file for details.