
Data on the history of the federal minimum wage in Brazil

Primary LanguagePython

Minimum Wage in Brazil

Nominal minimum wages and minimum wage legislation from 1940 to 2015. Data originally downloaded from MTE on 2015-12-12. That website, however, is no longer accessible. Data were updated via IPEA on 2019-03-20.

Original data files are under orig. Clean data files are under data. The data/avgwage.tsv file can be (re-)produced from the data/minwage.tsv file using the avgwage.py Python script.

The sql/load_minwage.sql script loads the avgwage.tsv data into a SQL database.

Values represent the monthly minimum wage. To calculate the daily minimum wage, divide the monthly values by 30. To calculate the hourly legal minimum wage, divide the monthly values by 220 (the maximum monthly work hours).