Web Applications I / Applicazioni Web I (2022/2023)
Material for the course of Web Applications I (in English) and Applicazioni Web I (in Italian) for the Master Degree in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.
- Introduction to the course (prof. Corno)
- Introduction to the course (prof. De Russis)
- Introduction to the course (prof. Masala)
- JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Objects and Functions
- Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript
- The 'this' keyword - see Reading 2
- JavaScript Modules - see Reading 3
Browsers and client-side applications
- See Reading 1
- Web Architecture
- (Modern) HTML
- Cascading Style Sheets
- JavaScript in the Browser
- Fetch API
- Introduction to React
- Elements, JSX, Components
- Components and State
- Forms
- Context
- React Router
- Client-Server Interaction in React
- React Life Cycle
Web Servers and server-side APIs
- Reading 1: Introduction to Web Architectures, HTML, and CSS
- Reading 2: The 'this' keyword in JavaScript
- Reading 3: JavaScript Modules
- Lab 01: Getting Started with Node.js
- Lab 02: Database Integration
- Lab 03: Getting started with HTML and CSS
- Lab 04: JavaScript in the Browser
- Lab 05: Getting Started with React
- Lab 06: React Forms
- Lab 07: React Routes
- Lab 08: Express
- Lab 09: Client-server interaction (part 1)
- Lab 10: Client-server interaction (part 2)
- Lab 11: Authentication