
command line application to organize your employee data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A node CLI application for managing the employees in your organization using a MySQL database.


  • add employees, roles, and departments
  • assign salaries to roles
  • identify managers for each employee
  • update and view your employees' data
  • run unique queries (e.g., total budget by department)


  • mysql2
  • inquirer
  • console.table
  • figlet


  1. Download MySQL
  2. Clone this repository
  3. npm install
  4. Enter your MySQL Username and Password in the connection.js file


  1. In app folder, type npm start
  2. Use arrow keys to select menu option
  3. Enter information / select a query
  4. Select Quit close database

NOTE: The app automatically seeds 8 employee records into an organization database upon initial usage; use Delete option(s) in main menu to adjust to your needs.


screenshot of Employee-Manager-Express

Video Demonstration

Video Demonstration of Installation and Usage