Promise and RxJS APIs around Polkadot and Substrate based chains via RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides in terms of metadata.
- 0xthreebodyPolkawallet & Acala Network
- 4meta5@PureStake
- AlexZhenWangOnFinality, SubQuery
- amaury1093@cosmos @regen-network. Previously @polkadot-js
- arkadiuszsz
- ArkadyutiRay
- ascjones@paritytech
- chrisfenosToronto
- danieltwork
- DavidLingnaichiew
- doutoriMICIN
- eimfachBerlin
- fgimenez@paradigmxyz @ithacaxyz
- himanshuchawla009web3auth
- hrnkoji
- ik5:::1
- jacogrSomething, Anything
- jkcommentLayerX Inc. (@LayerXcom)
- Kittiphat4613
- ltfschoenClawbird
- maribel12345
- miguelmota@hop-protocol
- Mischi@AsureFoundation
- mzxyz
- ntduan@AcalaNetwork
- patikkangayonFull Stack Web at Dataliciou Pty Ltd
- Preetam007@QuillAudits
- retotrinkler
- rustamwin@yiisoft @yiistack
- SherLzpSingapore
- StefieBerlin
- toxotguo
- tsirysndr@fluentci-io
- urugang
- wpank@AhaniaCapital
- xlcLaminar