Re-usable browser libraries and React UI components used inside the polkadot.{js} family of Polkadot and Substrate applications. Full documentation & examples available
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Support for Moonbeam addresses in Signer + Extension
#693 opened by montekki - 0
Support multiple multisigs creation with same set of threshold and signatories
#786 opened by chungquantin - 2
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vue-identicon peerdependencies vue3
#780 opened by roiLeo - 2
vue-identicon does not work with vue3
#747 opened by dcolley - 7
Vue 2 & 3 compat
#611 opened by jacogr - 3
Issue with the new Polkadot.js UI
#710 opened by sharma66mahesh - 4
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I want to robohash the image, how should I set it.
#687 opened by 99Kies - 7
Identicon throws error in NextJS
#672 opened by sonicsmith - 10
Stacktrace of an error is cut in the middle
#661 opened by muharem - 2
vue-identicon has redundant <div> wrappers
#642 opened by dcolley - 2
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identicon not work on nextjs
#640 opened by sxlwar - 4
@polkadot/react-identicon - Import problem
#634 opened by Danchev1 - 7
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Add migration to JSON v3
#347 opened by jacogr - 2
Module parse failed: Unexpected token
#590 opened by zhanggoodzhi - 3
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react/jsx-runtime' in @polkadot/react-identicon
#592 opened by Tbaut - 2
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keyring account locked
#575 opened by ahsanahmed321 - 2
Cannot run react native example
#565 opened by 5elfle5 - 8
Adding react hooks example
#542 opened by Yuripetusko - 5
keyring.loadAll showing error
#555 opened by khuzama98 - 1
https://polkadot.js.org/env-config.js returns 404 error on Linux Mint nd Chrome
#541 opened by lolero - 5
How to load a keyring pair with password.
#522 opened by nuel77 - 2
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reactnative-identicon@0.85.2 throwing "no identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal"
#516 opened by Tbaut - 1
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Return error in ScanAddress component
#487 opened by joelamouche - 1
Error: Cannot find module '../../babel.config.js'
#485 opened by jbargu - 5
react-qr UOS payload vs. message
#180 opened by pmespresso - 3
Typo in vue-identicon README
#181 opened by mariopino - 6
_store.default.get is not a function
#187 opened by Andkoo - 1
Split react-specific stuff from ui-keyring
#196 opened by jacogr - 2
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Introduce a example-reactnative (port of existing)
#218 opened by jacogr - 7
Proposal: UX enhancement for when Multipart frame cannot be scanned in time
#233 opened by pmespresso - 1
Align with name info in QR
#261 opened by jacogr - 19
[ui-keyring] FileStore
#337 opened by yashirooooo - 4
Use ss58 from @polkadot/networks
#380 opened by jacogr - 3
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Swap docs to docusaurus.io
#359 opened by jacogr - 1
New icon style/theme for Ethereum
#390 opened by jacogr - 7
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