
Members and Applications of the Polkadot Tooling Collective.

Polkadot Tooling Collective (PoToC)

This repository is used to coordinate the Polkadot Tooling Collective and deliver on its constitution. It provides the current list of members, applicants and the Mission List.


Most files are managed with the collective-cli to keep all files neatly sorted and in a machine-readable format. This allows for auditability and better accountability of past decisions.

The four main parts are:

  • mission_list.md: All projects that PoToC maintains.
  • members.md: All members of the collective.
  • join_request: All accepted requests for admission.
  • work_evidence: Proof of done work by members.

All the structural decisions here are made in line with the guidelines of the super-collective to act as Proof-of-Concept for it.

Mission List

Provides the projects that PoToC promises to maintain. This is done to have maximum clarity on scope of what PoToC should be doing with their funding. Find it in the mission_list.md

How to Join (Request for Admission)

NOTE At the current time we only accept accomplished developers. Please refrain from applying if you did not contribute to the mission of PoToC in the past.

To join PoToc, please fork this repository and create a Request for Admission, following this format. You can also use the CLI to create the file. In either case, please read the constitution and acknowledge the mission of PoToC.

Then please open a Merge Request to this repository to add your request file. It should be in the join_request folder. See the application from Nikos as example. Once that is merged, you are a member of PoToC! An entry in the member folder will be created for you to reflect this.


To give you an idea of what it could look like, here is an example of a request for admission. Sure there should be a bit more content, but you get the idea.

collective: Potoc
  name: Max Power
  address: 12xToKVweE2YHRj818MZsiT7kCZpx5n8qdvz7wKMvwJuJE3T
  github: mpower
  matrix: "neo:matrix.org"
  rank: 0
date: 2024-04-09
about: "My name was originally Homer Simpson, but now ..."
motivation: "I want to keep building Polkadot tooling, because ..."
- title: PolkadotJS
  category: d_app_tooling
  - title: Creation and Maintenance
    - https://github.com/polkadot-js/apps
- title: SrTool
  category: core_tooling
  - title: Creation and Maintenance
    - https://github.com/paritytech/srtool

Work Evidence

PoToC promises to the Polkadot Tokenholders to regularly post evidence of its past work. This is done in a machine readable format following this yaml schema. Again, it is possible to create, check and render these files. Please refer to the collective-cli repo for more info.