This is a fork from a testing budget tutorial. If you want to do that tutorial, then ignore this repo and follow the links below. It's a good tutorial, and worth your time.
Otherwise, this is a demonstration of different Auth setups in Django. If that is what you are here for, then you are in the right place.
A lot of this is just a practical example of the presentation from Julia Looney at pycharm. I also swapped the sqlite3 database for postgres because that is the one typically used in production. If you are having trouble with it, then please read this tutorial.
Don't forget to python makemigration
and python migrate
after you assign a database user.
- Postgres
- Psycopg2
- Selenium
There are three types of users.
- Admins
- Can create new users
- Can create new expenses
- Can see budget
- Managers
- Can create new expenses
- Can see budget
- Readers
- Can see budget
This is a setup with no authentication. This is to enable me to create clean branches.
This is a version created with default django User models.
This has a separate profile class in a one-to-one relationship with the django User model.
This is an extension of the abstract base user class used to create a custom base user and base user manager.
This takes the default-django-auth and implements okta single sign on with it.
This takes the default-django-auth and uses role-based permissions to enable or disable access to pages.