
A Django app to download, extract and load campaign finance and lobbying activity data from the California Secretary of State's CAL-ACCESS database as well as local Netfile jurisdictions

Primary LanguagePython

California Civic Lab Disclosure Backend


  1. Install python and pip
  2. sudo pip install virtualenv
  3. virtualenv env
  4. source env/bin/activate (you will have to do this every time you want to start working)
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. install mysql


If you've worked with Django and python before, these steps should be familiar to you.


You'll need python, pip, virtualenv.


Python 2.7.9 includes pip:

brew install python
pip install virtualenv


Install mysql

    Mac: brew install mysql

Prepare the database

mysql --user root
mysql> create database calaccess_raw;
mysql> \q
python disclosure-backend/manage.py migrate

Download the data

First, a basic data check to make sure things are working:

$ python disclosure-backend/manage.py downloadcalaccessrawdata --use-test-data

Zipcode/metro data

$ python disclosure-backend/manage.py downloadzipcodedata


Netfile contains campaign finance data for a number of jurisdictions. Not all jurisdictions will have data.

$ python disclosure-backend/manage.py downloadnetfilerawdata


Cal-Access is the state data. It's ~750MB of data and takes about an hour to trim, clean and process.

$ python disclosure-backend/manage.py downloadcalaccessrawdata


ssh opencal.opendisclosure.io /usr/local/bin/deploy-backend