

The purpose of this package is to build up an ecto query from some JSON API query parameters, 99.99% of the time when we create a JSON API endpoint we want to do the same sets of operations, therefore it is wasted effort and wasted code to keep writing the same thing over and over again.


The package can be installed by adding json_api_ecto_builder to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:json_api_ecto_builder, git: "https://github.com/MikeyBower93/json_api_ecto_builder.git"}

Getting Started

Getting started with this library is easy to do however there are a few standards that you must follow for it to work.

Note - this guide presumes you have setup your Phoenix endpoints, database, and schemas.

Creating an entity module

All we need to do to use this library is to create an entity module (you can put this in the controller module, however for simlicity I store it in another module), which should look like the following:

defmodule ElixirJsonApi.JsonApiEctoBuilders.Rocket do
  import JsonApiEctoBuilder

I have created the module, in this case the schema/entity is a rocket. I have also imported the JsonApiEctoBuilder library which will expose the required function for you to builder a request.

Calling the builder

To call the builder you will need to create a function in your new module, your module should end up looking like:

defmodule ElixirJsonApi.JsonApiEctoBuilders.Rocket do
  alias ElixirJsonApi.Rocket

  import Ecto.Query
  import JsonApiEctoBuilder

  def build(params) do
    build_query(base_query(), base_type(), base_alias(), params, &apply_join/2)

  def base_query(), do: from r in Rocket, as: :rocket

  def base_type(), do: Rocket

  def base_alias(), do: :rocket

  def apply_join(:space_center, query) do
    |> join(:inner, [rocket: r], assoc(r, :space_center), as: :space_center)

  def apply_join(:space_center_country, query) do
    |> join(:inner, [space_center: sc], assoc(sc, :country), as: :space_center_country)

  def apply_join(:astronauts, query) do
    |> join(:inner, [rocket: r], assoc(r, :astronauts), as: :astronauts)

Here I have created a build function that accepts params (these are phoenix query parameters), we then call build_query which is a call to the internal library function.

5 parameters are required to execute the build which are as follows:

Base Query

This is the base query you want the builder to append to, this can be useful if you want to do any pre-processing on the query such as security safe guards where you might want to limit the results by something on the user token. Please note, if you need to do any joins keep them in the same format as descriped in the apply join paramter section.

In this base query at a minmum you will need to select from the base entity, in this case the rocket, and give an alias which is usually just the type name, so in this circumstance :rocket.

Base Type

This is the base type of the main entity, this is so we can run introspection to find out things like the primary key on the type etc, in this circumstance it is simply Rocket.

Base Alias

This is the name of the alias you gave the base query, in this case it is :rocket.


This is the raw phoenix parameters you are passed, this includes the filters, sorts, includes etc.

Join Appliers

This is a callback function that executes when the calling code sees that it needs to apply a join, unfortuantly at this point we cannot build the joins directly in the library as at runtime you cannot create named aliases from a variable, it needs to be a compile time atom. Some work might be done in the future to make this generate using macros, however for now this is simple enough to add.

In the example I have given I have passed in a function declared in the module I created, and it pattern matches to see which join it needs to apply. The way this works is if it sees a nested association in your filter or sort such as rocket->space_center->country it will break down that association and apply a join for each nesting and create an alias of the association accumulation. For example in the rocket->space_center->country example, it will break this down into the following:

  1. rocket
  2. rocket_space_center
  3. rocket_space_center_country

It will run these in order if it requires them, and will only request them once, so in the example module, you can see that when it sees space_center it pulls out the rocket named binding as it knows thats what it is associated to, and then when it sees space_center_country, it knows that its the country associated to the space_center so it pulls out the space_center binding and joins to that, because of the way the library applies this you can be assured that if it requests space_center_country it will have already requested space_center to be joined.


After the builder is done, it returns the query with these filters, sorts, preloads added. You can adapt it after this but its recommend you do it in the pre query as there are sub queries built into this which might not give you any desired results by doing after the query is built.

JSON API Parameter Format


The format of the sort in the query parameters should be sort=field,-nested1.nested2.field with the - meaning descending.


Includes should follow the format of include=entity,entity2.nested_entity


Filters should be in the following format filter[field]=value for a simple equals filter on a property on the entity, or filter[association.field]=value if you want to filter a nested property.

If you want to do a different type of filter that isn't an equals you format the query as the following: filter[field][operator]=value using one of the following operators:

  • EQ - equal
  • NEQ - not equal
  • LK - like
  • LT - less than
  • LTE - less than or equal to
  • GT - greater than
  • GTE - greater than or equal to
  • IN - where in (comma separated list of values)

Final Notes/Other Libraries

As described in the guide if you need to do any security checks you do this as a pre request, if this requires any joins please follow the join named alias formats defined in join appliers section.

This library doesn't currently support grouping and conditional types such as or/and etc, if you need to implement something like a search I recommend you pass something back like filter[my_search]=value and that you pick that out of the query parameters, add the my_search you want to define to the pre-request, if you do this you must removed the my_search filter from the query parameters.

This library does not support doing pagination or phoenix view rendering, for this I recommend using:

These are already good and well developed libraries so there is no need for me to rewrite them, I could have included scrivener in the library however this way you can use another library if you want, and it also would mean that I would be calling the Repo.paginate function which would mean you couldn't extend the resulting query.