
A Google Chrome extension to bypass ITVHub/Player ads

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Google Chrome extension to bypass ITVHub/Player ads

Updated 1/8/22 to increase number of blocked ad breaks to 5, and update manifest.json to new V3 standard.

Forked from Kurt Culley's ITVSlayer Repo. Full credits still lie with Kurt Culley. https://github.com/kurt-culley/ITVSlayer


As Kurt's original extension was removed from the Chrome Web Store, the only way to install this extension without uploading to the Chrome Web Store is as follows:

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to chrome://extensions/
  3. Enable 'Developer Mode' in the top right of the page.
  4. Click 'Load Unpacked' in the top left of the page
  5. Navigate to, and select, the root directory of your cloned copy of the repo.
  6. The extension should now be added to your Chrome! Enjoy!