
[discontinued] Simple interactive search for Node

Primary LanguageLiveScript

NOTE: At some point a change in node broke some uses of this and I'm not interested in fixing it. You're better off using fzf.


searchy demo

Simple interactive search for Node, inspired by percol and fzf. It works as a standalone program you can put in bash pipes or as a menu for inside your own application.

Note: if you install node-migemo it will be used to make matching Japanese text easier.

Command line example

npm install -g searchy
echo -e "hsif\neip\nekac" | searchy | rev
# output will be a word spelled correctly!

Case matching uses "smartcase" like Vim; matches are not case-sensitive unless there is a capital letter in the query.

Node example

var search = require("searchy").search;

search("one two three four five six panda fish パンダ フライパン 日本語 日本橋".split(" "), function(choice){
  console.log("You picked " + choice + "! Congratulations!");

Useful techniques

Searchy your shell history for that command you can't quite remember by adding this to your .bashrc: (inspired by hstr)

function hh () {
  $(history | cut -c 8- | awk '!seen[$0]++' | searchy)
# add this line to replace the default history search:
bind -x $'"\C-r":hh'


WTFPL, do as you please. -POLM