
Dotfiles of common apps and user configs I use. Also Z shell configs.

Primary LanguageShell

My Dotfiles

Misc user app configs. Used as a way to manage my configs across different machines/OS. May come in useful for others; feel free to use and change.


Run the very simple install.sh sript to symlink all the configs to the appropriate places.

Main configs

All the following are under the root directory of this repo.


Mac OS X scripts for configurations, including homebrew Brewfile.

Note: All extensively based upon scripts from Mathias Bynens' [dotfiles] (https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles) repo (more specific sources can be found commented in the actual files).


  • global gitconfig
  • SublimeText3 user config
  • IntelliJ IDEA 13 CE config JAR
  • tmux config
  • vim config (requires Vundle)
  • Z shell profile and startup config (requires my oh-my-zsh fork)

## Deprecated configs

All the following are under the deprecated directory.


i3wm/i3status configs


[oh-my-zsh] (https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh) configs and personal theme.

No longer maintain these configs as I have since forked oh-my-zsh and maintain my config changes in my own repository).


  • aria2 configs
  • Xresources for xterm/urxvt/other X11 apps
  • Pentadactyl config for Firefox's wonderful Pentadactyl plugin (must try for vim lovers!)
  • rtorrent config
  • GNU screen config
  • xbindkeys for X11 keybindings