
Frontend pull request checklist

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Frontend pull request checklist

Or how to get looks-good-to-me on your pull request seven times faster

This is a generalized version of a checklist, I’ve created for my colleagues at Wayfair. Feel free to fork it and adapt to your team’s needs.

Before you start

  1. Setup your environment to have immediate feedback on your changes:

  2. Read your team’s coding standards and style guides.


  • JavaScript code is following team standards.


  • All code is WCAG Level AA compliant.
  • Semantic tags are used where possible instead of divs and spans (headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.)
  • All interactive elements (links, buttons, form elements) are keyboard accessible and have visible focus states.
  • Tab order of all interactive elements follows a logical pattern, usually their position on the screen and order in the DOM.
  • All non-standard elements have appropriate ARIA roles.
  • All interactive elements have accessible labels.
    • For example, add accessible text using the VisuallyHidden component or something similar.
  • All non-text content has a text alternative.
    • For example, images have appropriate alt texts, clickable icons have titles, and videos have captions.
  • UI looks good on any screen size (mobile, desktop, etc.).
  • UI looks good with 200% page zoom.


  • CSS code is following team standards.
  • No hardcoded colors, font sizes, whitespace, breakpoints and z-indices.
    • Always use design tokens instead.
  • No style overrides of any component library components.
  • No unnecessary CSS, ideally there’s no CSS at all.
    • For example, prefer to use primitive and layout components instead of custom styles.


  • Add tests for new functionality.
    • For example, add unit tests for tricky code and regression tests for bugs.


  • Make sure that the documentation and comments are up to date after your changes, document any new APIs.

Before sending code to review

  • Read the ticket one more time and make sure everything is done as requested.
  • Do a self review: carefully read all the code before opening a pull request. Think what kind of issues a reviewer may find in your code, what kind of questions they may have, what’s not clear. This alone can save you several review iterations and days in review.
    • Having a coffee break or lunch before doing a self review could be a great idea to help you to look at your code with fresh eyes.
    • Take notes, mental of physical, on what kind of comments you get in code reviews — you’ll notice that they are often repeated. You can save lots of time by making sure you won’t get any of the comments that you often receive.
    • Hint: Use GUI Git clients for better experience like GitHub Desktop or PhpStorm.
  • No lint warnings, type errors or test failures.
    • Hint: run these checks locally: npm test.
    • Hint: many warnings can be autofixed, check the documentation for your ESLint plugin.
  • No new errors and warning in the browser console.
  • All code is formatted with Prettier.

Pull request

  • Add screenshots or GIFs for any UI changes. This will help the person reviewing your code to understand what you’ve changed and how it works.
  • If your team uses a particular template for pull requests, fill it. Otherwise at least make sure you have:
    • the user problem you are solving;
    • acceptance criteria of the ticket;
    • testing you have done or plan to do before release;
    • any pull request that are dependent on this one, or any tickets on which this pull request depends.

Code review

  • Ask to people to review your code:
    • a person who knows the domain well and can spot bugs in the business logic;
    • an expert in the technologies you’re using who can help you improve the code quality.
  • When you’re done with the changes after a code review, do another self review of the code and write a comment to notify the reviewer, that the pull request is ready for another iteration.
  • Review all the review comments and make sure they are all addressed before the next review iteration.
  • Make sure you don’t have similar issues anywhere else in your pull request.
  • If you’re not going to follow any of the code review recommendations, please add a comment explaining why.
  • Avoid writing comment like "done" of "fixed" on each code review comment. Reviewers assume you’ll do all suggested changes, unless you have a reason not to do some of them.
  • Sometimes it’s okay to postpone changes — in this case you’ll need to add a ticket number to the pull request and to the code itself.

Asking help

  • It’s okay if you don’t understand some of the code review comments. Don’t hesitate to ask questions in the pull request, or ping the reviewer directly.


Code reviews







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Improvements are welcome! Open an issue or send a pull request.

Author and license

Artem Sapegin, a frontend engineer at Omio and the creator of React Styleguidist. I also write about frontend at my blog.

CC0 1.0 Universal license, see the included License.md file.