
Algebraic DateRange operations

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Cronos, algebraic date range operations

Imagine you have 2 employees; Alice and Bob, and you want to schedule a meeting between Alice, and Bob. This creates a problem, which is to figure out what time both Alice and Bob are available. To answer this question with Cronos is quite simple; Simply create a union of the times Alice is busy, and Bob is busy, then inverse this date range, and you're left with all possible date ranges when both Alice and Bob are available for a meeting. Cronos allows you to easily answer questions such as these, with an extremely tight syntax. This makes Cronos useful for anything related to calendar and date range operations, requiring algorithmical operations on said date ranges. Cronos supports the following operations.

  • Union - OR
  • Intersections - AND
  • Inversion - NOT

Using these three algebraic operations, you can easily answer questions such as the following

  • "When is both Bob and Alice busy?" - AND/INTERSECTION of Alice's and Bob's calendar activities
  • "When is either Alice or Bob busy?" - OR/UNION of Alice's and Bob's calendar activities
  • "When is neither of Alice and Boby busy?" - NOT/INVERSE of the UNION of Alice's and Bob's calendar activities
  • Etc ...

This makes "calculus" with dates and date ranges fairly simple, and makes your code for doing such calculations easily understood. Below is an example of working code, assuming you implement the missing GetCalendar method.

 * Retrieves Alice's and Bob's calendar (somehow).
 * Implement GetCalendar yourself, any ways you see fit.
DateRangeCollection alice = GetCalendar("Alice");
DateRangeCollection bob = GetCalendar("Bob");

 * Calculates availability for both Alice and Bob, based
 * upon their existing calendar activities.
DateRangeCollection availability = !(alice | bob);

 * Calculates when both Alice and Bob are busy.
DateRangeCollection bothBusy = alice & bob;

 * Calculates how many hours both Alice and Bob are busy.
TimeSpan bothBusyHours = bothBusy.Size;

 * The following finds the first opening in the above dataset
 * that is larger or equal to 2 hours.
 * This code assumes you include System.Linq in your C# code file.
DateRange availableForMeeting = availability.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Size >= new TimeSpan(2,0,0));

Cronos contains two main classes.

  • DateRange - A start DateTime and an end DateTime, plus helper methods
  • DateRangeCollections - A list of DateRange instances

Using these two classes you can perform algebraic operations on calendar items to answer any questions such as the above. Both classes are immutable, and hence also thread safe, since an instance can never be modified. So each instance can be safely shared among multiple threads.

Notice - When you create an instance of a DateRangeCollection, its items are "normalized", which implies creating a UNION out of its values. This implies that even though you add 5 items for instance, if two of these items are overlapping each other, the resulting DateRangeCollection will contain only 4 items.

DateRange methods and properties

  • Start - Start DateTime
  • End - End DateTime
  • Size - Size of instance as a TimeSpan
  • Intersects - Returns true if DateRange intersects with the specified parameter
  • Adjacent - Returns true if DateRange is adjacent to the specified parameter
  • Union - Creates a UNION of the given instance combined with the specified parameter
  • Intersection - Returns the intersection of the given instance combined with the specified parameter

In addition DateRange overloads all relevant operators, such as ==, !=, >, <, >= and <=. DateRange also implements the & and | operators, which are the equivalent of AND/intersections, and OR/union.

DateRangeCollection methods and properties

  • Count - Returns the number of items
  • Size - Returns the size of all DateRange instances
  • Union - Returns the union result of the given instance with the specified parameter
  • Intersection - Returns the intersection result of the given instance with the specified parameter
  • Inverse - Inverses the current collection and returns the results to caller

In addition, DateRangeCollection overloads the &, | and ! operators, being the equivalent of intersection, union and inverse. DateRangeCollection also implements IEnumerable, and overloads the index operator (get only operations), allowing you to easily combine it with LINQ.

Disclaimer - Cronos is in alpha version at the moment, and not production ready.