
Commonalities for MS SQL and MySQL Magic data adapters

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

magic.data.common - Hyperlambda slots to access your SQL database

The magic.data.commonproject is the generic data adapter, that transform dynamically from a lambda node structure into SQL, and polymorphistically invokes your specialised data adapter, resulting in SQL statements executed towards your database type of choice. In addition, it contains helper slots to give you more "raw" database access, in addition to slots helping you to open database connections, create transactions, execute SQL, etc.

How to use [sql.*]

These slots never executes SQL towards your data adapter, but rather simply generates your SQL, and returns the results of the SQL generation process back to you. They're mostly intended for debugging purposes, and/or learning purposes, and can be interchanged with their [data.xxx] equivalent, and/or their [mysql.xxx]/[mssql.xxx]/[pgsql.xxx] equivalent, etc. You can substitute these slots with for instance [data.xxx] if you wish to actually execute some SQL towards your database adapter of choice.

How to use [data.*]

All of the [data.xxx] slots are actually just polymorphistically evaluating your specialised adapter's slots, such as for instance [data.connect], that will invoke [mysql.connect] if this is your default database. However, all of these lots can also be given an explicit [database-type] argument, being for instance "mssql", allowing you to choose a database type explicitly as you invoke it.

If you don't provide an explicit [database-type] argument to these slots, the default database type will be retrieved from your "appsettings.json" file, from the magic:databases:default value, and substitute the "data" parts with the value found from your configuration setting, to invoke your specialised implementation. For instance, if you're using MySQL as your default database type, and you invoke for instance [data.connect], this will transform into an invocation to [mysql.connect], allowing you to use generic database slot invocations, ignoring your database type, creating the correct SQL dialect for you automagically.

How to use [data.connect]

This slot will open a database connection for you. You can pass in a complete connection string (not recommended), or only the database name if you wish. If you pass in only the database name, the generic connection string for your database type of choice from your "appsettings.json" file will be used, substituting its {database} parts with the database of your choice. Inside of this slot, which actually is a lambda [eval] invocation, you can use any of the other slots, requiring an existing and open database connection to function. You can see an example below.


Since the [data.connect] slot actually takes a lambda object, you can also add any amount of other lambda invocations inside of the lambda object supplied to the slot, allowing you to for instance create loops, conditional executions, etc, inside of your invocation to [data.connect]. This is also true for all other slots taking a lambda object, such as for instance [data.transaction.create]. Inside your lambda object, an invocation towards your database such as e.g. [data.read], will be using this database connection, as long as the type of database is matching. The database connection will be kept open, and implicitly used, for the entirety of the lambda object. If you need another database connection inside of your lambda object, you'll need to nest [data.connect] invocations. You can also explicitly choose which connection string to use as you open a connection, by separating the connection string and the database name by a | symbol, and wrapping your entire value inside of brackets. If you have a connection string in your "appsettings.json" file named for instance "foo", and this connection string points to a server instance having a database named "bar", you could open a connection to this database using something resembling the following.


This is why your connection strings should contain the {database} as a generic argument, since the slot substitutes the {database} parts dynamically as you create new connections. Below is an example of such a connection string configuration setting.

"generic": "Server=localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;Database={database};Trusted_Connection=True;"

How to use [data.select]

This slot allows you to pass in any arbitrary SQL you wish, and evaluate it to a DataReader, and return all records as a lambda object. You can find an example below.

   data.select:select first_name, last_name from actor limit 5

Assuming you have the "sakila" database from Oracle installed in your database, and your default database type is MySQL, the result of the above will end up looking like the following.


This slot requires SQL resembling your specialised database type of dialect, and will not in any ways transpile the SQL towards your specific underlaying database type's SQL dialect. If you can, you should rather use [data.read], to avoid lockin towards a specific database vendor's SQL dialect. You can also select multiple result sets if you have batch type of SQL statements, containing multiple SQL statements, and you want to return the result of all SQL statements you're executing. You do this by providing a [multiple-result-sets] argument and set its value to boolean true. If you do this, the slot will return an array of arrays, one outer array for each result set your SQL generates. Below is an example.

data.select:"select * from table1; select * from table2;"

Which would result in something resembling the following.


How to use [data.scalar]

This slot is similar to the [data.select] slot, but will only return one value as the value of its node after execution. This slot is typically used for aggregate results. You can see an example below.

   data.scalar:select count(*) from actor

After execution, your result will resemble the following.


Yet again you should prefer the [data.*] slots if you can.

How to use [data.execute]

This slot should be used if you don't expect any type of result at all, such as in for instance delete or update invocations, where you don't care about the result of the operation. You can find an example below.


   // Notice, will throw! (hopefully!)
   data.execute:delete from non_existing_table

Yet again, prefer [data.delete] if you can.

Database transactions

Although you should be careful with database transactions, sometimes you really need them. For those cases you can use the following 3 slots to create, rollback, and/or commit transactions towards your underlaying database.

  • [data.transaction.create] - Creates a new database transaction
  • [data.transaction.commit] - Commits an existing open transaction
  • [data.transaction.rollback] - Roll back an existing open transaction

Notice - The default logic for a database transaction, is that unless it's explicitly committed before leaving scope, it will roll back by default. Below is an example of a transaction that will rollback, since it's not explicitly commited before leaving scope.

      data.execute:delete from film_actor

       * If you uncomment the line below the
       * transaction will be committed, resulting
       * in that everything from your film_actor
       * table will be deleted.


    * Notice, this still returns 5462 items, since
    * transaction was implicitly rolled back above.
   data.scalar:select count(*) from film_actor

A transaction typically follows your connection, implying to count items after the transaction has been rolled back, we'll need a new connection, as the above example illustrates.

How to use [sql.*] slots

All of these slots simply generates SQL for you, using the generic SQL dialect syntax, which might or might not work for your database adapter of choice. This allows you to create SQL statements without executing anything towards your database. This allows you to play around with the syntax, to understand how it works, and see how some semantic graph object results in an SQL statement before using it. All of these slots have [data.*] equivalent slots, which again polymorphistically invokes your specialised data adapter's equivalent, and/or can be parametrised with a database type - Which again resolves to the [mysql.*] equivalent if you supply "mysql" as your [database-type], and/or MySQL is your default database type as configured in your "appsettings.json" file. Hence, the documentation for these slots is also the documentation for your [data.*] slots.

How to use [sql.create]

This slot will generate the SQL necessary to insert a record into a database for you. Besides the table argument, this slot can only be given one argument, which is [values]. Below is an example of usage.


Notice, to avoid SQL injection attacks, this slot will always return parameters expected to be passed in from any potentially malicious clients as SQL parameters - Hence, the complete returned value of the above Hyperlambda will be as follows.

sql.create:insert into 'table1' ('field1', 'field2') values (@0, @1)

The basic idea is that everything that might be dynamically injected into your data access layer, should be consumed as SqlParameters, or something equivalent, to prevent SQL injection attacks towards your database. This is true for all arguments passed in as data for all slots in the project. The slot will in its specialized implementations return the ID of the inserted record if possible, unless you explicitly parametrize it with a [return-id] argument and set its value to boolean false.

How to use [sql.read]

This slot requires only one mandatory argument, being your table name. The slot creates a select SQL statement for you. An example can be found below.


The above will result in the following SQL returned to you. If you're using the special implementations, such as e.g. [data.read], and/or [mssql.read] - The returned SQL might vary according to your dialect. But the results of executing the SQL will be the same.

select * from 'foo' limit 25

To avoid accidentally exhausting your database, this slot will by default limit your result set to 25 records unless explicitly overridden by your code with a [limit] argument. You can optionally supply the following arguments to this slot.

  • [columns] - Columns to select
  • [order] - Which column(s) to order the results by. You can supply multiple [order] arguments
  • [direction] - Which direction to order your columns
  • [limit] - How many records to return, default is 25. Set this value to -1 to avoid having the parser inject its default value
  • [offset] - Offset of where to start returning records
  • [where] - Where condition
  • [join] - Join condition
  • [group] - Group by declaration

For instance, to select only the "field1" column and the "field2" column from "table1", and ordering descendingly by "field3" - You can use something resembling the following.


This will result in the following SQL returned.

select 'field1','field2' from 'table1' order by 'field3' desc limit 25

The [direction] argument can only be either "asc" or "desc", implying ascending or descending. You can also supply multiple ordering columns, by separating them by ",". See an example below, which also specifies what table to use while ordering your results.

   order:table1.field1, table1.field2

The above will result in the following SQL.

select * from 'table1' order by 'table1'.'field1' asc,'table1'.'field2' asc limit 25

And finally you can provide the [direction] argument on separate [order] arguments, such as the following illustrates.




If you do, the ordering is sequentially applied.

Aggregate results

You can also create aggregate results, by simply adding your aggregate as your column, such as the following illustrates. The reasons why this works, is because if the SQL generator finds a paranthesis in your column declaration, it will simply ignore parsing that column altogether, and directly inject it into the resulting SQL's columns declaration.


The above will result in the following SQL.

select count(*) as count from 'table1'

By setting [limit] to "-1", like we do above, we avoid adding the limit parts to our SQL. Unless you explicitly specify a limit, the default value will always be 25 to avoid accidentally exhausting your database, and/or web server, by selecting all records from a table with millions of records.


To page your [sql.read] results, use [limit] and [offset], such as the following illustrates. Even though we use "limit" and "offset", the correct syntax will be applied for your database type, depending upon which database type you're using - Implying for Microsoft SQL Server, it will inject MS SQL dialect, and not MySQL dialect. But the syntax for your lambda object still remains the same, making it simpler to create SQL dialect valid for your specific database type 100% transparently.


The above will return the following SQL select * from 'table1' limit 10 offset 5. If you run the above lambda towards Microsoft SQL server, SQL syntax specific for MS SQL will be generated.

Aliasing column results

You can also extract columns with an alias, "renaming" the column in its result, such as the following illustrates.




The above Hyperlambda will result in the following SQL.

select 'table1'.'foo1' as 'howdy','table1'.'foo2' as 'world'
   from 'table1' limit 25

Effectively resulting in that you'll have two columns returned after executing the above SQL, which are howdy and world. Combining this with the join features from this project, allows you to create any type of "projections" you wish.


The project supports joins by parametrizing your [sql.read] invocation with [join] arguments, beneath your [table] argument(s). You can only add [join] beneath [table] for [sql.read] invocations though. If you have created the Sakila example database from Oracle, and you're using MySQL as your default database type, you can execute the following MySQL join SQL statement to see a fairly complex recursive join.






The above lambda assumes you've got Oracle's Sakila database in your MySQL instance. If you only wish to see its resulting SQL, add a [generate] argument to the above root invocation, and set its value to "true". All specialised slots, dynamically building and executing some SQL towards your database, supports the [generate] argument, allowing you to easily "debug" your SQL statements, and see what they actually do. Below is an example of the SQL created by the above invocation if you add a [generate] argument to it and set its value to boolean true.

select `film`.`title`, `film`.`description`, `actor`.`last_name`, `actor`.`first_name` from `film`
   inner join `film_actor` on `film`.`film_id` = `film_actor`.`film_id`
      inner join `actor` on `film_actor`.`actor_id` = `actor`.`actor_id`
   limit 25

You can recursively join as many levels as you wish, in addition to also supplying multiple join conditions for the same join. An example of the latter can be found below.



The above lambda will result in the following SQL being generated.

select * from 'table1'
   inner join 'table2' on 'table1'.'fk1' = 'table2'.'pk1' and
      'table1'.'fk2' = 'table2'.'pk2'

Joining tables works almost the exact same way as using a [where] argument, allowing you to supply an operator for your join, such as we illustrate below, where we're using the != operator, instead of the (default) equality comparison. However, when you create your [join] segments you can only have columns from tables reference columns from tables, and not add static arguments to your join. If you need static arguments you have to add these into your [where] parts. See the [where] criteria for details about comparison operators. You can also explicitly choose a [type] of join, such as we illustrate below.



The above results in the following SQL.

select * from 'table1' inner join 'table2' on 'table1'.'fk1' != 'table2'.'pk1'

The [type] argument to your [join] arguments, can be "inner", "full", "left" or "right", resulting in the equivalent type of join for your SQL.

Differences between [join] and [where]

There is one crucial semantic difference between a [join] condition and a [where] condition, which is that the library assumes a join is always between two columns, while a where always assume you're always comparing against a static value. This implies that you cannot add static values into your SQL as a part of your [join] condition, while the opposite is true for a [while].

Although this technically doesn't allow you to create any SQL you want to create, it is still more in "the spirit" of SQL as a standard - And you can always add your static conditions into your [where] parts, while adding your table comparisons into your [join] conditions. This allows you to create any result you want to achieve, although technically not any SQL you want to have.

Explicit arguments declarations for joins

Normally you don't need to worry about this, but sometimes you need to explicitly add an argument to your CRUD slot invocations if it has a join part, and you want one of your conditions for your join to be a static value of some sort, and not a comparison to your right hand side table column. This can be accomplished with something such as the following.

   @static-value:static value

Notice the above [@static-value] parts, which becomes a normal argument, instead of trying to join two fields on two table. The above results in the following lambda being generated.

data.read:select * from `foo` inner join `bar` on `foo`.`field1` = `bar`.`field2` and `foo`.`field2` = @static-value limit 25
   @static-value:static value

As you can see in the above result, the @static-value becomes a statically declared condition to your join, and not assumed to be a reference to a field in your right hand side joined table. This is one of those edge cases you normally rarely need, but might be useful on rare occasions. The reasons why this works is because the RHS side of your join condition starts with an @ character, which assumes you are referencing an argument and not a field in your joined table. This only has effects on your [join] parts, implying [xxx.read] slot invocations, since these are the only slots supporting joins. The above is the only exception that allows you to join on static values and not column names. However, as a general rule of thumb, we encourage users to [join] on table columns and add static values into your [where] conditions.

'Namespacing' columns

When you're joining results from multiple tables, it's often required that you specify which table you want some resulting column to be fetched from, to avoid confusing your database as to which column you want to extract, in cases where the same column exists in multiple tables. For such cases, you can simply refer to your table first, and then the column from that table, and separate your entities by a .. You can see an example of this below.


          * Prefixing result columns with table names.




The above will result in the following SQL, if you append the [generate] argument, and set its value to "true".

   from `film`
      inner join `film_actor` on `film`.`film_id` = `film_actor`.`film_id`
         inner join `actor` on `film_actor`.`actor_id` = `actor`.`actor_id`
   limit 25

Spacing is not applied to the actual generated SQL result, but have been applied to some of the SQL examples in this documentation to make the SQL more readable. If you supply [as] arguments to your tables, you can also use your alias to reference tables inside of your invocation.

Group by

You can also provide a [group] argument to your lambda, resulting in a "group by" statement injected into the resulting SQL. Below is an example.


The above will result in the following SQL.

select col1, count(*) as count from 'table1' group by 'col1'

You can supply multiple group by columns, in addition to "namespacing" your columns with your table names, such as we illustrate below.


The above of course results in the following SQL.

select count(*) from 'table1' group by 'table1'.'foo1','table1'.'foo2'

You can of course combine your [group] arguments with [where] arguments, and [join] arguments, allowing you to create complex aggregate results, statistics, joining multiple tables, etc.

How to use [sql.update]

This slot allows you to update one or more records, in a specified [table]. Just like create, it requires one mandatory argument, being [values], implying columns/values you wish to update. This slot also takes an optional [where] argument, which is described further down in this document. Its simplest version can be imagined as follows.


The above of course will result in the following.

sql.update:update 'table1' set 'field1' = @v0

Notice, if you don't apply a [where] argument, then all records in your table will be updated - Which is highly unlikely what your intentions are. Hence, make sure you apply a [where] argument as you invoke this slot.

How to use [sql.delete]

This slot is for deleting records. Its [where] argument is applied in a similar fashion as the where argument to [sql.select] and [sql.update]. You can find an example further down in this document of how to use [where].


The above will produce the following results.

sql.delete:delete from 'table1' where 'field1' = @0 and 'field2' = @1

The [where] argument

This argument is common for [sql.update], [sql.delete], and [sql.read], in addition to that a [join] will also be logically parsed much the same way as a [where] argument. The where argument follows a recursive structure, allowing you to supply multiple layers of where criteria, being applied recursively, using some sort of comparison operator, applied to all conditions in the same level. Its most basic usage is as follows.



The above would result in the following result.

sql.read:select * from 'table1' where 'field1' = @0

To apply multiple [and] criteria, you can simply add them consecutively as follows.



The above results in the following.

sql.read:select * from 'table1' where 'field1' = @0 and 'field2' = @1

If you exchange the above [and] with [or], the system will use the or operator to separate your arguments, such as the following illustrates.



The above results in the following result.

sql.read:select * from 'table1' where 'field1' = @0 or 'field2' = @1

You can also nest operators, producing paranthesis, and create complex conditions, such as the following illustrates.




Which results in the following.

sql.read:select * from 'table1' where 'field1' = @0 or ('field2' = @1 and 'field3' = @2)

The parent of a list of criteria is deciding which logical operator to separate your conditions with, contrary to traditional languages, where you separate your conditions with the logical operator, and explicitly add paranthesis to group your levels. This might seem a little bit weird in the beginning, but this is a general rule with everything in Hyperlambda, and after a while will feel more natural than the alternative. The reasons for this is to allow for semantically traversing your lambda objects, allowing the computer to logically understand what it does more easily - Among other things. Think of the boolean logical parts of your SQL slots as "grouping your comparisons" or a "logical function invocation" if it helps.

Comparison operators

The project supports the following comparison operators.

  • eq - Equality comparison, equivalent to =
  • neq - Not equality comparison, equivalent to !=
  • mt - More than comparison, equivalent to >
  • lt - Less than comparison, equivalent to <
  • lteq - Less than or equal comparison, equivalent to <=
  • mteq - More than or equal comparison, equivalent to >=
  • like - Like comparison, equivalent to SQL's like comparison
  • in - Special comparison operator, since it requires a list of values, generating an "in" SQL condition

Everywhere you need to compare one field with another, such as in [where] or [join] arguments, you can append a comparison operator to your left hand side column, such as the following illustrates.



Notice the .neq parts above, and realise how the above will produce the following SQL.

select * from 'foo' where 'field1' != @0

The above [field1.neq] is substituted by the SQL generator to become a != comparison operator on the field1 column versus the xxx argument. The comparison operator is always expected to be the last parts of your "LHS" (Left Hand Side) parts of your criteria - Implying the name of the node.

The [in] comparison operator

This operator is special, in that it doesn't require the caller to supply one value, but rather a list of values, from where the column you compare towards must have a value matching at least one of these values. An example can be found below.



The above will generate the following SQL, in addition to returning 3 parameters to the caller.

select * from 'table1' where 'table1'.'field1' in (@0,@1,@2) limit 25

Escaping characters

If you by some freak accident happen to have a column in one of your tables that is named for instance neq, you can escape your column name, by prepending a \ to it. See an example below.



Notice how the \ character above results in the following SQL.

select * from 'table1' where 'table1'.'neq' = @0 limit 25

As you can see, the \neq is interpreted as a column name, and not a neq operator, and since the equality operator is the default selected if no operator is supplied, the comparison operator becomes =.

You can also escape columns entirely, if you for instance have a column that contains a . in its name, such as we illustrate below.



Notice how the above lambda will interpret the foo.bar parts as a column name, and not as column "bar" on "foo". You can see the resulting SQL below.

select * from 'table1' where 'foo.bar' = @0 limit 25

Extension comparison operators

You can also extend the existing comparison operators with your own, such as for instance having ltmt resulting in <>, etc. To do this, you'll have to register your comparison operator using the static AddComparisonOperator method on the SqlWhereBuilder class. Below is an example.

SqlWhereBuilder.AddComparisonOperator("ltmt", (builder, args, colNode, escapeChar) => {
    builder.Append(" <> ");
    SqlWhereBuilder.AppendArgs(args, colNode, builder, escapeChar);

The above will give you access to use ltmt as a comparison operator, resolving to <> in your SQL.

magic.data.common and meta data

One of the really nice things about this semantic approach to generating SQL is that it allows you to retrieve meta data from your Hyperlambda snippets, asking questions such as for instance "find all files that somehow selects columns from the 'xxx' table" - And for that matter, even dynamically change the table name, using semantic refactoring and replacement concepts. Once you've crossed the initial step into meta data traversal in Hyperlambda, things like this becomes second hand nature with Hyperlambda.

SQL injection attacks

This project protects you automatically against SQL injection attacks, and protect values, and criteria, etc - But you should not allow any potentially insecure clients to dynamically declare which columns to select, and/or field names for your where clauses. It will only protect your values, and not table names or column names against SQL injection attacks.

The project does also not verify that your SQL is possible to execute towards your database, such as verifying that specified tables or columns actually exists. It does its best however, to verify that your Hyperlambda is structured correctly, and that it will create somewhat valid SQL - But you should not assume the SQL the project generates is valid, before you have tested it.

Creating your own data adapter

If you wish to extend Magic to support a custom database type, you can do so using C# for instance. This project contains 4 base classes, which you can inherit from to extend and implement your custom logic.

  • SqlCreateBuilder - Helper class to generate insert SQL statements
  • SqlDeleteBuilder - Helper class to generate delete SQL statements
  • SqlReadBuilder - Helper class to generate select SQL statements
  • SqlUpdateBuilder - Helper class to generate update SQL statements

If you create your own database implementation, you'll need to inherit from the above classes, and override whatever parts of these classes that doesn't by default work as your database type needs it to work. If you wish to do this, you would probably benefit from looking at one of the existing specialised implementations, such as the MySQL, SQL Server or PostgreSQL specific implementations.

Magic's GitHub project page

Magic is 100% Open Source and you can find the primary project GitHub page here.

Magic's GitHub project page

Magic is 100% Open Source and you can find the primary project GitHub page here.

Project website for magic.data.common

The source code for this repository can be found at github.com/polterguy/magic.data.common, and you can provide feedback, provide bug reports, etc at the same place.

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Copyright and maintenance

The projects is copyright Thomas Hansen 2023 - 2024, and professionally maintained by AINIRO.IO.