
Source code for LLM-based Agents for my diploma thesis project. Natural language driven data analysis. LoRA and QLoRA for quality enhancement.

Primary LanguagePython

A minimalistic LLM agent for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using pandas library

Task: given a CSV or a XLSX file, respond to user's query about this table by generating a python code and executing it.

Query example: 'I want to know the average gdp of countries that have happiness index greater than 5.5. I also need these countries.'

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Flow parts that are used by agent:

  • Tagging the query - using a LM to classify the query to "plot" or "general". Two methods are implemented, using OpenAI functions tagging of a Pydantic object and using a classifier LM (DeBERTa) to classify the query. This is needed to instruct the LLM to save the plot to a directory, so that it could be later sent as a Response via FastAPI to the user. Or if it is just a text answer type of question, the LLM would be instructed not to do any plotting.

  • Generating the plan - using a LM to generate a step-by-step plan for the coder. Inspired by Solve and Plan (Wang et al., 2023). Helps smaller LLMs significantly.

  • Generating the code - using a LM to generate a python code to do the data analysis. The code is then executed and the result is returned to the user.

4 different flow strategies are implemented:

  • "simple" - Tagging the query, generating the plan, generating the code, executing the code, returning the result to the user.
  • "simple_functions" - Same, but asking the CoderLLM to generate a python function instead of a main script. This way, the output could be better tested, as the agent mostly returns a single value (string, float, DataFrame, etc.).

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  • "coder_only_simple" - No planning step, just generating the script and executing it.
  • "coder_only_functions" - Same, but asking the CoderLLM to generate a python function instead of a main script.

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Agent arguments:

  • max_debug_timees - maximum number of debug times for the agent to run. If the agent runs out of debug times, it will return an error message to the user.
  • head_number - number of first rows of a DataFrame to show to the LLM.
  • prompt_strategy - flow strategy to use (described above).
  • coder_model - model to use for the CoderLLM. Supported models are "codellama/CodeLlama-7b-Instruct-hf", "WizardLM/WizardCoder-1(3, 15)B-V1.0" and gpt models.
  • gpt_model - model used for planning
  • add_column_description - if True, the agent will add a json-formatted description of the columns to the prompt for the LLM. This ensures that the LLM knows the precise column names and accompanying values.
  • tagging_strategy - strategy to use for tagging the query. Supported strategies are "openai" and "deberta".

answer_query arguments:

  • show_plot - if True, the agent will show the plot to the user interactively. If False, the agent will save the plot to a directory.
  • save_plot_path - path to save the plot to. If None, the plotname will be generated.

answer_query method returns a text answer and a dictionary with details and outputs from every step of the flow.

How to run the agent:

See the main.py file for an example of how to run the agent.

Datasets and evaluation

Public datasets are in the "datasets" folder Evaluation of the agent is in the "evaluation" folder.

  • evaluation/collect_answers.pyruns a given agent on a given dataset and collects the answers to a xlsx file. Configs are stored in conf/ folder.
  • evaluation/evaluation.py evaluates the answers in one xlsx to reference answers in another xlsx file either by string equality or asking a gpt model to compare the answers.