App deployment test for CoreOS using kubernetes.

I used to deploy a 3 node cluster locally: 1 master with two minions.

On each of the minions, make sure that /home/core/.dockercfg has the correct auth info for pulling the private images.

Files included:

  • start-config - simple shell script that will generate an app config based on environment variables.
  • Dockerfile - generates a simple image for running start-config
  • app-redis-controller.json - single replica redis.
  • app-redis-service.json - simple service for redis.
  • app-mysql-controller.json - single replica for mysql. Sets up database using environment variables. See
  • app-mysql-service.json - service for mysql.
  • app-web-controller.json - must be ran as single replica as it just uses local storage. Includes two containers: the app itself, and the "config" app. Notice the use of an emptyDir volume to share the config moutn point and just using a hostDir for storage. Also, the environment variables DB_* must match those set in app-mysql-controller.json.