
A vanilla front-end starter kit with tools to support code quality, accessibility, unit testing, end to end testing, continuous integration setup and feature branch testing.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI/CD codecov This project is using Percy.io for visual regression testing. Cypress.io Dashboard DeepScan grade Open in Gitpod

A vanilla front-end starter kit with tools to support code quality, accessibility, unit testing, end to end testing, continuous integration setup and feature branch testing.

Who it is for

Suitable for responsive sites or simple applications in a fast pace delivery environment with shared nothing front-end architecture using vanilla js. However, code should be isolated & independent where possible to allow us to take benefits of previous projects and experience.

List of tools

  • Code Quality: Eslint, Stylelint & Deepscan
  • Unit Testing: Jest + Enzyme
  • End to End testing: Cypress.io + Percy.io
  • CI: Github Actions

Getting Started

npm install
npm start

Adding a new Feature

  • Familiarise yourself with Gitflow and checkout a feature branch from master e.g. feature/awesome-feature.
  • Keep your feature branch upto date with master.
  • Use Conventional Commits spec e.g. (fix/feat/refactor/refactor!) | Component | Task ID - Small Description

Manual Review Guidelines

CSS Use BEM naming convention
JS Prefix DOM Element class name or ID with "js-" to indicate element is linked to Javascript
JS Use Async/Await over promises
JS Keep Code branching to one level and reduce nested if/else statements
JS Leverage Modern Browser API's instead of bloated libraries or framework e.g. use fetch instead of axios

Estimation Guide for Static Projects


Local Development

Running Github Action

# https://github.com/nektos/act
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nektos/act/master/install.sh | sudo bash
act pull_request
act --job ci

Running Sonar

docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 -p 9092:9092 sonarqube
docker run -ti -v $(pwd)/src:/root/src --link sonarqube newtmitch/sonar-scanner


docker build -t vanilla-front-end-starter .
docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 vanilla-front-end-starter

Browser Support

2 most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari & MS Edge.


  • Feature : CI/CD - Add Docker preview.
  • Feature : CI/CD - Add automatic release after every two weeks.

Github Secrets


Non functional Requirements