
Fast multiplayer tennis in two dimensions.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fast, multiplayer, physics-driven tennis in two dimensions.


  1. Install node & npm.

  2. Install bower globally.

     npm install -g bower
  3. Clone and enter the polyball repo.

     git clone git@github.com:polyball/polyball.git
  4. Install dependencies.

     npm install --production
     bower install


  1. Follow setup instructions.

  2. Edit polyball config file, polyball.json.

  3. Run the server.

     node polyball/Server.js


Issues Ready Issues In Progress Build Status
  1. Install gulp globally.

     npm install -g gulp
  2. Install dev dependencies.

     cd polyball/
     npm install
  3. [WINDOWS ONLY] Replace the polyball module symlink for browserify with a windows symlink

    Start cmd, probably as an administrator. Navigate to the polyball project directory and run:

     cd node_modules
     mklink /D .\polyball ..\polyball

    and confirm the symlink file replacement if prompted. Now avoid pushing that new symlink to the repo:

    cd ..     # now in project root directory
    git update-index --skip-worktree node_modules/polyball
  4. To automatically watch all client source files and build them on change, run

     gulp watch-js

    from the project root. The gulp process will persist and report builds and changes.