Brakeman is a static analysis tool which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities.
You can read more about Brakeman itself here.
This action helps make sure that brakeman results get accurately added to pull requests, in the event of a new issue.
Currently we recommend hardcoding the brakeman version (e.g. 5.2.1) to prevent the unintended consequences of pulling down the latest version regardless of context.
These are the (required or recommended) options you can set for the runner.
- GITHUB_TOKEN (required): the github token, naturally :)
- REPORT_PATH: Where on the action runner you want the report to go, e.g. "/tmp/report.json". If not set, just outputs a json string.
- PROJECT_PATH: The path of the project you want to scan (in case you have multiple apps in a repo). Defaults to the value of the GITHUB_WORKSPACE envvar.
- GITHUB_LATEST_SHA: recommend setting this, it tells the runner where to put review comments. Easiest set as
${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CONTENT: Something custom you want to add to the PR comments, e.g. a runbook or an emoji or a friendly message. Note that if you want a line break in CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CONTENT it is recommended to use
<br />
- name: Brakeman
uses: cookpad/brakeman-linter-action@v2.0.0
- name: Install gems
run: |
gem install brakeman -v 5.2.1
- name: brakeman report
run: |
brakeman -f json > tmp/brakeman.json || exit 0
- name: Brakeman
uses: cookpad/brakeman-linter-action@v2.0.0
REPORT_PATH: tmp/brakeman.json
- name: Brakeman
uses: cookpad/brakeman-linter-action@v2.0.0
PROJECT_PATH: my_rails_app
name: Brakeman
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Brakeman
uses: cookpad/brakeman-linter-action@v2.0.0
GITHUB_LATEST_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CONTENT: "This is a cool, friendly comment!<br />Thank you for improving our security!"
Remember: if you want a line break in CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CONTENT it is recommended to use <br />