
Validation Functions (for py dicts)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VF: Validation Functions (for py dicts.)

VF is a simple tool for validating the schema of dict-like Python objects. It is well suited for validating user-submitted forms, JSON requests, etc.


Install via pip:

pip install vf

Or download vf.py into your project directory.


Create a validator function by supplying a schema:

import vf;
personValidator = vf.dictOf({
    "_id": vf.typeIs(str),
    "name": vf.dictOf({
        "first": vf.typeIs(str),
        "last": lambda x: type(x) is str,
    "birth_timestamp": vf.typeIs(int),
    "gender": lambda x: x in ["MALE", "FEMALE", "OTHER"],
    "parentIdList": vf.listOf(vf.typeIs(str)),
    "spouceId": lambda x: x is None or type(x) is str,
    "childrenIdList": vf.listOf(vf.typeIs(str)),

vf.dictOf(.) returns a function for schema validation. (Above, personValidator is the returned validation function.)

Use the validator function to test if dicts are valid:

    "_id": "00a3",
    "name": {"first": "John", "last": "Doe"},
    "birth_timestamp": 318191400000,
    "gender": "MALE",
    "parentIdList": ["00a1", "00a2"],
    "spouceId": "87b1",
    "childrenIdList": ["00a6", "00a8"],
}); # Returns `True` => Valid

If validation fails, a vf.ValidationError will be raised:

    "_id": "1c3f",
    "name": {"first": "Jane", "last": "Doe"},
    "birth_timestamp": "1990-01-01",# NOT int => Invalid
    "gender": "FEMALE",
    "parentIdList": ["1c3a", "1c3b"],
    "spouceId": None,
    "childrenIdList": [],
}); # Raises `vf.ValidationError` => Invalid

Schema Validation: How It Works

The schema supplied to vf.dictOf(.) should be a dict, where each value is a function. In the above example, vf.typeIs(str) is a shorthand for lambda x: type(x) is str.

For validating a test-dict tDict against a schema schema, we first ensure that the two have matching keys. Then, each value in tDict is supplied to the corresponding function in schema. If that function returns True (or a truthy value), the key/value pair is considered to be valid, invalid otherwise.

VF includes a number of helpers for generating simple type-checking functions, which are documented below. But as a quick example,

  • vf.typeIs(int) returns a function for checking if the type of it's argument is an int.
  • vf.listOf(vf.typeIs(str)) returns a function for checking for a list of strings.
  • vf.allOf(vf.truthy, vf.typeIs(str)) returns a function that checks for non-blank (i.e. truthy) strings.

Write Your Own lambdas!

Please note that you aren't limited to VF's helpers. You can write any lambda (or reference a def'd function) in your schema. For example:

  • instead of vf.allOf(vf.truthy, vf.typeIs(str)),
  • you may write lambda x: x and type(x) is str.

More importantly, you will likely have custom validation logic that VF can't anticipate. For example, you may want to match integers between 10 and 1500. In that case, you could use something like:

  • lambda x: type(x) is int and 10 <= x <= 1500

Quick Plug

VF built and maintained by the folks at Polydojo, Inc., led by Sumukh Barve. If your team is looking for a simple project management tool, please check out our latest product: BoardBell.com.

Helper Nomenclature

At Polydojo, boolean variables are typically given names starting with is, did, etc. That is, isNone, isType, didConfirm etc. would typically be booleans. Thus, instead of isType, VF includes typeIs(.), which is a helper that returns a function for type-checking.

List Of Helpers

Simple functions:

These helpers are simple functions that return True or False.

  • vf.truthy: Helper function for checking truthy-ness.
  • vf.falsy: Helper function for checking falsy-ness.
  • vf.noneIs: Helper for checking None.

Helpers for generating functions:

These helpers return type-checking functions, which in-turn return True or False. Here-below, the phrase "Makes func(x) for ..." should be read as "Returns a function on x for ..."

  • vf.typeIs(typ): Makes func (x) for checking type(x) is typ.
  • vf.typeIn(*typs): Makes func (x) for checking type(x) in typs.
  • vf.instanceOf(*typs): Makes func (x) for checking isinstance(x, typs).
  • vf.patternIs(pattern): Makes func (s) for checking s against pattern via re.match or re.Pattern.match. (s may be a str or a compiled re.Pattern.)
  • allOf (*fns): Makes func (x) for checking all(fn(x) for fn in fns).;
  • anyOf (*fns): Makes func (x) for checking any(fn(x) for fn in fns).
  • listOf (fn, minLen=0): Makes func (li) for checking isinstance(li, list), len(li) >= minLen and all(fn(x) for x in li).

Dict Validation:

And finally, of course, the dict validation function:

  • dictOf(schema, extraKeysOk=False): Makes func (d) for validating d against schema. Raises vf.ValidationError if validation fails.

If extraKeysOk=True is passed, it is then acceptable for d.keys() to be a superset of schema.keys(). Otherwise, d.keys() must exactly match schema.keys() (irrespective of key-order).

Testing & Contributing

Install pytest via pip install -U pytest. Run tests with:


If you encounter a bug, please open an issue on GitHub; but if you find a security vulnerability, please email security@polydojo.com instead.

If you'd like to see a new feature or contribute code, please open a GitHub issue. We'd love to hear from you! Suggestions and code contributions will always be appreciated, big and small.


Copyright (c) 2020 Polydojo, Inc.

Software Licensing:
The software is released "AS IS" under the MIT License, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Kindly see LICENSE.txt for more details.

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The above software licensing terms do not grant any right in the trademarks, service marks, brand names or logos of Polydojo, Inc.