Django Project Template

A template for creating django projects for the polylith/entwicklerheld platform. It works with ansible, because we need to generate not only python/django files but also deployment files ans so on.


  • If you want to edit the template, use the following delimiter:
    • Block Start: @@
    • Block End: @@
    • Variable Start: @=
    • Variable End: =@


  • You need to choose a project_name. This should ideally be consist of one word or a maximum of two words connected with an - (minus).
  • You need to choose a description. about the purpose of the service.
  • Switch to the folder where the project should be created. The template don't create a parent folder named after project_name.
  • Run: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data --extra-vars "project_name=YOUR_APP_NAME description='YOUR DESCRIPTION'"
  • Copy generated directory to your desired destination.

Steps to do manually afterwards