A set of 7 daemons use redis pubsub.listen() in a for loop to wait for messages that represent incoming data.
64-bit Raspian is needed for VSCode to work for remote editing/debugging
- holds time of last reboot
- holds a list a valid keyfobs
- hold time of last fob list refresh
- holds serial number info for RPI
- holds id of last read successful fob
- hold time of last successful fob
- redis pubsub capabilty used for interprocess communication
- Flask-based API also using SSE to update clients
- mimics esp32-doorbot api for calls to doorbot server to get user info
- mustache-based user interface w/ admin password for local control
- provides status and other info
- pigpio library for ISR (needs the pigpio daemon running)
- reads Weigand codes (dat0, dat1)
- trigger is falling edge on either dat0 or dat1
- daemon pushes last legal keycode to redis
- asks API to send sse message for UI update
- watches for door lock requests and enerizes/de-energizes the lock
- updates the state of the lock in redis
- asks API to send message for UI updates
- uses threaded timer to relock the door after delay
- watches for changes in amagnetic reed switches
- logs the changes and timestamp to redis
- asks API to send messsage for UI update
- at designated interval, refreshed local ID tab list on redis
- after long press on reset button, reboot the reader
- reset to "factory default" (not et implemented)
- after a short press, displays state of the doorbot
- maintains an i2C display
- display is only active after a short touch on the reset button
- on long touch, display a reset warning
- set redis into its base state
- write out the systemd service file base on the config file
Console TxD GPIO15(8)
Console RxD GPIO16(10)
Console GND GND
Weigand 1 GPIO10 (19)
Weigand 2 GPIO09 (21)
Reader GND GND
Reader LED GPIO17 (11)
Reader Buzzer GPIO18 (12)
Reader format GPIO23 (16)
Door (relay) GPIO22 (15)
reset button GPIO04 (7)
door switch GPIO24 (18)
i2C SDA GPIO02 (3)
i2C SCL GPIO03 (5)
- door_switch_in, door_switch out (GND and pulled up data)
- +12V
- latch_in/latchout
- console (3 pin header)
v1/check_tag/<tag>/<location> check tag against the server
/secure/dump_active_tags get a json of all active tags
(id is the key, validty is a bool)
/botStatus UI
/ UI
/getStatus retreive lock and doot states
/lock lock the door
/unlock unlock the door
/toggleLock toggle the lock
/doorChange broadcast change in lock or
door status to clients via SSE
- cleanroom.door
- garage.door
- woodshop.door
- dummy
- front.door
- back_main.door
- back_annex.door