
dont use this probably

Primary LanguageGo

a redis http cache in go.

see example/example.go for basic usage.

various options can be set via the Config struct;

type Config struct {
	Rdb          *redis.Client
	Expiration   time.Duration
	ErrCallback  func(error, *http.Request)
	HitCallback  func(*http.Request)
	MissCallback func(*http.Request)
	CacheRequest func(*http.Request) bool
	GenCacheKey  func(*http.Request) string

Rdb and Expiration are both handled by redis itself, being the redis client config and the key expiration for all keys set by Middleware. redis uses a value of 0 to indicate no key expiration.

the Err, Hit, and Miss callbacks are all functions called during the Middleware logic, corresponding to caught errors, cache hits, and cache misses respectively. The next handler will always be called in the case of an error or miss.

CacheRequest can be used to configure when a request is cached. By default it is configured to only cache GET requests.

GenCacheKey can be used to generate the redis key name for each request. By default it returns "cache:" + r.URL.EscapedPath()