Run the following shell command after cloning this repo in your home directory:
cp -r ./polyrainVim/.vim ./
cp ./polyrainVim/.vimrc ./
Then, type vim <file>
to open vim. Once opened, type the following
The plugins should compile and you should be done!
Your vim should now look like this:
nerdtree is config'd to open on Ctrl + o. You can modify this in the .vimrc.
Shift + L or H moves between tabs in vim, right or left respectively.
Simply run brew install python
if it's not already downloaded, then run the following shell command:
python3 ./.vim/plugged/youcompleteme/
If you're on OSX this is a known issue due to using the default version of Vim. Simply run:
brew install nvim
to fix any issues, or set up your vim to only use the HomeBrew version.
If this is the case copy across the files in the repo with the following:
cp -r ./polyrainVim/.vim/ ./.vim/