Month reports app fot IZITEQ

Interface to process bank data, assign records from card reports to users and attaching receipt images to corresponding records.

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Live demo

You could check out app here:

About project

Server-side made using NodeJS and MongoDB.

On top of this I am using ExpressJS as a framework and several modules. Primary language JavaScript

Client-Side made using AngularJS and Bootsrap.

Primary language - CoffeeScript. Sass as a stylesheets and jade templates.

Skeleton generated by Yeoman and Angular FullStack Generator

Feel free to use its helpers for futher development.

Instalation instructions

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install && bower install
  3. Start project with grunt serve


Easiest way to deploy to heroku is to init new heroku app inside dist directory and after this run:

grunt build && cd ./dist/ && git add -A && git commit -m ~~~ && git push heroku master && cd ../

Make sure that before deploying to heroku you set $scope.AWS to true in client/app/main/

Make sure that before deploying to heroku you set all AWS parameters in server/api/aws/index.js

Things to do

  1. Create help document
  2. Cleanup server code
  3. Reorganize ng-grid properties and move them to service(?)
  4. Add ability to assign an image to ReceiptRecord in Receipt edit page
  5. Pass selected month and year in routing
  6. Request all corresponding receiptRecords from server at CropModal controller
  7. Implement cascade deletion of records and attached files


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