
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This app tries to answer two pain points:

  • Where can I go so you won't create crowds? Since that are dangerous nowdays. Just look at the map.
  • WHY THE ^$@(%$% everyone comes here? Report that this place is full.


On map you can see places that are nice to see ❤️ and if there are purple clouds its full at that place. If you see white clouds ☁️ place is empty.

Reporting location

If you see location that full or empty give us report! Just press respective button 🤗.

It sends your location only when you press button. We respect your privacy and battery time, so there is nothing going on in background.



In server folder

Server is backed by Flask and Postgres and PostGIS. PostGIS is used only for types, but we expected operations on geometry in future.

Setup .env from .env.example

python main.py

Deployment gcloud app deploy (create env_vars.yaml)

DATABASE_URL is in postgresql+pg8000://<username>:<password>@/<database>?unix_sock=/cloudsql/<INSTANCE CONNECTION STRING>/.s.PGSQL.5432


In frontend folder

It's simple React app with ugly hack around Google Maps Javascript API.

Setup .env from .env.example

npm start

Deployment npm run build && cp -r build/ ../../server/static/ and deploy backend

Code looks like shit, but it was created in less than 30 hours of elapsed real time and I still got to sleep 🙃 .

We ended up in top 7 from 31 projects in Hack the Crisis Slovakia 🙌 .