
Mobile web interface for pianobar

Primary LanguagePython

A fork of drheld/pianoctl.
Updated to be a bit more user-friendly. Basic operation (station selection,
song display, etc) is now possible through buttons, i.e. without typing
raw commands for pianobar.
Removed the dependency on appscript, now runs cross-platform (or at least
on linux mint).
Very simple authentication scheme: a .auth file of the form:
username:[salt, hex encoded]:[salt+password, sha512 hexdigest].
Work in progress.

A tornado-based web frontend for pianobar (command line pandora client).

This is meant to be used from a mobile phone to control a computer
hooked up to speakers.

 - pianobar (brew install pianobar)
 - easy_install appscript
 - easy_install tornado