
A golang based minecraft stand in ping server

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MCPingServer - Golang minecraft stand-in server

MCPingServer is a minimalistic Minecraft server which only responds to ping requests and kicks any clients which attempt to join the server. All facets of the server are configurable: favicon location, MOTD, player count, player cap, as well as kick message. All messages are colored and formatted with the correct formatting (>=1.7 json style, <= 1.6 section color character).


MCPingServer is a Golang based program, which means it can (and is!) distributed in a variety of compiled varieties. There should be a build available for your operating system/architecture. However, if there is not, you are still able to build MCPingServer from source (outlined below).

Building From Source

Building from source requires go to be installed on the machine designated for building MCPingServer. Once go is installed, building MCPingServer can be achieved by running the following set of commands:

git clone https://github.com/Ichbinjoe/MCPingServer.git
cd MCPingServer
go build cmd/main.go -o mcpingserver

This results in an executable to be created within the current directory.

Using MCPingServer

MCPingServer is a simple command line executable. The behavior of MCPingServer is mutated by a set of command line flags that all can be optionally supplied to MCPingServer.


  • -bindAddr Ip:Port Ip:Port combination for MCPingServer to bind to (default "")
  • -cap players Reported max player count for the server (default 20)
  • -players players Reported current player count for the server (default 0)
  • -favicon faviconLocation Location to read the favicon from. Favicon should be a 64px by 64px png (default "favicon.png")
  • -kickMsg msg Message to send to players who attempt to join the server. Supports & color codes (default: "&4This is not a joinable server!")
  • -motd motd Message to set the MOTD to. Supports & colors as well as /n as the newline seperator (default "A Golang inplace server")
  • -serverVersionName name Sets the name of the version of Minecraft to respond as (default "1.12.2")
  • -serverVersionNumber number Sets the protocol version of Minecraft to respond as (default 340)