
MoreFixes: A Large-Scale Dataset of CVE Fix Commits Mined through Enhanced Repository Discovery

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


MoreFixes: A Large-Scale Dataset of CVE Fix Commits Mined through Enhanced Repository Discovery Published in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering(2024)

Download the Source code(version used in the camrea ready paper): DOI

Download the dataset and patches(to simply restore the dump): DOI

Paper link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3663533.3664036

Please use following format for citation:

  title={MoreFixes: A Large-Scale Dataset of CVE Fix Commits Mined through Enhanced Repository Discovery},
  author={Akhoundali, Jafar and Nouri, Sajad Rahim and Rietveld, Kristian and Gadyatskaya, Olga},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering},


The tool developed and test on Linux and MacOs. Windows is NOT tested yet. To run it, you'll need python3.10+, docker and docker-compose.
Depending on hardware and due to rate limits(even with API keys), the tool will require several days to complete the processing. It's highly recommended to use the provided dataset dump instead of running it from scratch. You can load the database dump, and if required, you can run the tool again to get latest results.
If you need to just use the database without running the code, jump to section(Run docker containers).

Restore dataset dump

By default, The tool will try to load the dump file, named dump_morefixes_27-03-2024_19_52_58.sql. You can download this file(zipped) from Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/records/11199120 In the database(see docker-compose.yml). With this, you'll restore the database in a docker container. If you don't want to run the tool, you can simply use the database.

Run docker containers

Run docker containers in MoreFixes root path by running sudo docker-compose up -d

Example usage

In Examples directory, you can find a jupyter notebook with some examples of how to use the dataset.
You can also find EER information in Doc directory.
It's highly recommended to first read the MoreFixes paper and understand different tables and their usage, specially the fixes table. For example, in the fixes table, you can choose different threshold for score column increase\decrease the noise. It's also worth to mention that commits with score less than 65 are not included in the following tables: commits, file_change, method_change. However, their metadata(such as hashes) are available in the fixes table, which allows mining them by decreasing the score in environment variable and re-running the project.

This tool is consisted of two main components(Morefixes and Prospector) and two data sources(NVD and GSAD)

Configure Morefixes

MoreFixes structure itself is based on CVEFixes project. Add the Github security advisory database(https://github.com/github/advisory-database) in Code/resources/ghsd to get latest vulnerabilities list. Then, create a virtual python environment(recommended) in the repo root directory, and install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Renamed env.sample to .env and update the fields in .env and .CVEfixes.ini in tool root directory, Note that these values should be same for similar services(for example posgtresql database credentials) related to each other.

Configure prospector

We are not planning to keep prospector in this repository, and instead, fetch latest Prospector form ProjectKB. As a temporary workaround, you'll need to update the modified version of prospector(which is available in this repository).
Update 'config.yaml' in /prospector path, and copy the current .env file to /prospector directory as well. This mess will be fixed in the future :) Create a separate virtual environment in /prospector and install requirements for prospector(pip install -r requirements.txt). Update python executor path in runner.sh if the virtual environment directory name is not 'venv'.

Run the tool

If you want to update the dataset for new CVEs, run the tool by executing bash Code/run.sh. This will first update the GHSA dataset in /Code/resources/advisory-database and download latest CPE Dictionary from NVD and starts the whole flow mentioned in the figure 1 of the paper. Please note we don't recommend running it on a low-end device and using the published dataset should be an easier choice if you just need to work with the available data.


One of the heaviest modules of this software, is located at Code/resources/dynamic_commit_collector.py, which will process possible fix commits in parallel. If you need to run the software from scratch, make sure to double-check parameters in this page to make sure your system won't break during processing.


Please report any issues in the official repository: https://github.com/JafarAkhondali/Morefixes/issues/new