

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About

This is an implementation of the algorithm presented in the paper
"Minimal Loss Hashing for Compact Binary Codes, Mohammad Norouzi,
David J Fleet, ICML 2011", with slight modifications. The goal is to
learn similarity preserving hash functions that map high-dimensional
data onto binary codes. Using this package, one can re-run the
experiments described in the paper on Euclidean and semantic 22K
LabelMe, and on 6 other datasets (10D uniform, mnist, LabelMe,
notredame, peekaboom, nursery).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Data

You should download the dataset files separately:

- LabelMe_gist.mat is the 22K LabelMe dataset available from
http://cs.nyu.edu/~fergus/research/tfw_cvpr08_code.zip, (within archive),
or http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~norouzi/research/mlh/data/LabelMe_gist.mat,
courtesy of Rob Fergus. Store the file under data/ folder.

- *.mtx files for 5 small datasets (MNIST, LabelMe, Peekaboom,
Photo-Tourism, Nursery) can be downloaded from
courtesy of Brian Kulis. Untar the archive file under data/kulis/

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage

Run compile (compile.m) to compile all of the required mex files. If
you cannot compile mex, see below.

RUN.m is the starting point. It includes the code for running
experiments on different datasets appeared in our paper. It will also
produce performance plots.

You can set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to control the
maximum number of cores used by loss_adj_inf_mex. When other programs
are running, often setting OMP_NUM_THREADS by hand makes the program
run faster, because by default loss_adj_inf_mex tries to take up all
of the cores, and this produces a wasteful competition between
different processes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternative to mex compilation

If you are unable to compile loss_adj_inf_mex, you can change
learnMLH.m by uncommenting the matlab code for loss adjusted
inference, and commenting the call to loss_adj_inf_mex.

If you are unable to compile utils/hammDist_mex.cpp, please change
eval_linear_hash.m and eval_labelme.m to use hammDist.m (a slower
matlab implementation).

If you are unable to compile this utils/accumarray_reverse.cpp, you
can replace evaluation3 with evalution2 (slower and less memory
efficient) in utils/eval_linear_hash.m

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of files

data/ folder will contain dataset files.

learnMLH.m: the main file for learning hash functions. It performs
stochastic gradient descent to learn the hash parameters.

MLH.m: performs validation on sets of parameters by calling
appropriate instances of learnMLH function.

create_data: a function that creates dataset structures from different
sources of data based on its input parameters.

create_training: performs train/validation/test splits

utils/ folder includes small functions that are used throughout the
code. Some of the functions are adapted from Spectral Hashing (SH)
source code generously provided by Y. Weiss, A. Torralba, R. Fergus.

plots/ folder contains some functions useful for plotting the curves
used in the paper.

res/ folder will store the result files. Pre-trained parameter
matrices and binary codes for semantic 22K LabelMe are already there.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes

This implementation is slightly different from the algorithm presented
in the MLH ICML'11 paper. Main modifications include 1) an L2
regularizer on W matrix is used instead of fixing the norm of W. Thus
instead of tuning epsilon parameter which gets multiplied by the loss
function, we tune a regularizer parameter and do not change loss. 2)
For balancing precision and recall, instead of formulating a parameter
lambda inside the hinge loss, we re-define lambda as the ratio of
positive and negative pairs to be sampled during training. We usually
use lambda=.5 meaning equal sampling of positive and negative
pairs. For one of the experiments we set lambda=0 meaning the original
distribution of positive and negative pairs.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ License

Minimal loss hashing for learning similarity preserving binary hash
functions. Copyright (c) 2011, Mohammad Norouzi <mohammad.n@gmail.com>
and David Fleet <fleet@cs.toronto.edu>. This is a free software; for
license information please refer to license.txt file.