
PyPI Simple Repository API client library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Project Status: Active — The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. https://travis-ci.org/jwodder/pypi-simple.svg?branch=master MIT License

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pypi-simple is a client library for the Python Simple Repository API as specified in PEP 503 and updated by PEP 592. With it, you can query the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other pip-compatible repositories for a list of their available projects and lists of each project's available package files. The library also allows you to query package files for their project version, package type, file digests, requires_python string, and PGP signature URL.


Just use pip (You have pip, right?) to install pypi-simple and its dependencies:

pip install pypi-simple


>>> from pypi_simple import PyPISimple
>>> client = PyPISimple()
>>> packages = client.get_project_files('requests')
>>> packages[0]
DistributionPackage(filename='requests-0.2.0.tar.gz', url='https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ba/bb/dfa0141a32d773c47e4dede1a617c59a23b74dd302e449cf85413fc96bc4/requests-0.2.0.tar.gz#sha256=813202ace4d9301a3c00740c700e012fb9f3f8c73ddcfe02ab558a8df6f175fd', project='requests', version='0.2.0', package_type='sdist', requires_python=None, has_sig=False, yanked=None)
>>> packages[0].filename
>>> packages[0].url
>>> packages[0].project
>>> packages[0].version
>>> packages[0].package_type
>>> packages[0].get_digests()
{'sha256': '813202ace4d9301a3c00740c700e012fb9f3f8c73ddcfe02ab558a8df6f175fd'}



A client for fetching package information from a Python simple package repository

PyPISimple(endpoint=pypi_simple.PYPI_SIMPLE_ENDPOINT, auth=None, session=None)

Create a new PyPISimple object for querying the simple API instance at endpoint. The endpoint defaults to PyPI's simple API at <https://pypi.org/simple/>.

If necessary, login/authentication details for the repository can be specified by setting the auth parameter to either a (username, password) pair or another authentication object accepted by requests.

If more complicated session configuration is desired (e.g., setting up caching), the user must create & configure a requests.Session object appropriately and pass it to the constructor as the session parameter.


Returns a generator of names of projects available in the repository. The names are not normalized.


PyPI's project index file is very large and takes several seconds to parse. Use this method sparingly.


Returns a list of DistributionPackage objects representing all of the package files available in the repository for the given project.

When fetching the project's information from the repository, a 404 response is treated the same as an empty page, resulting in an empty list. All other HTTP errors cause a requests.HTTPError to be raised.

Returns the URL for the given project's page in the repository.


Information about a versioned archived file from which a Python project release can be installed. DistributionPackage objects have the following attributes and method:

The basename of the package file
The URL from which the package file can be downloaded
The name of the project (as extracted from the filename), or None if the filename cannot be parsed
The project version (as extracted from the filename), or None if the filename cannot be parsed

The type of the package, or None if the filename cannot be parsed. The recognized package types are:

  • 'dumb'
  • 'egg'
  • 'msi'
  • 'rpm'
  • 'sdist'
  • 'wheel'
  • 'wininst'
An optional version specifier string declaring the Python version(s) in which the package can be installed
Whether the package file is accompanied by a PGP signature file
If has_sig is true, this equals the URL of the package file's PGP signature file; otherwise, it equals None.
If the package file has been "yanked" from the package repository (meaning that it should only be installed when that specific version is requested), this attribute will be a string giving the reason why it was yanked; otherwise, it is None.
Extracts the hash digests from the package file's URL and returns a dict mapping hash algorithm names to hex-encoded digest strings

Utility Functions

parse_simple_index(html, base_url=None, from_encoding=None)
Parse a simple repository's index page and return a generator of (project name, project URL) pairs. html is a str or bytes value to parse. base_url is an optional URL (usually the URL of the page being parsed) to join to the front of the URLs returned. from_encoding is an optional hint to Beautiful Soup as to the encoding of html.
parse_project_page(html, base_url=None, from_encoding=None, project_hint=None)
Parse a project page from a simple repository and return a list of DistributionPackage objects. html is a str or bytes value to parse. base_url is an optional URL (usually the URL of the page being parsed) to join to the front of the URLs returned. from_encoding is an optional hint to Beautiful Soup as to the encoding of html. project_hint is the name of the project whose page is being parsed; it is used to disambiguate the parsing of certain filenames.
parse_links(html, base_url=None, from_encoding=None)

Parse an HTML page and return a generator of links, where each link is represented as a triple of link text, link URL, and a dict of link tag attributes (including the unmodified href attribute). Link text has all leading & trailing whitespace removed. Keys in the attributes dict are converted to lowercase.

html is a str or bytes value to parse. base_url is an optional URL (usually the URL of the page being parsed) to join to the front of the URLs returned. from_encoding is an optional hint to Beautiful Soup as to the encoding of html.

parse_filename(filename, project_hint=None)

Given the filename of a distribution package, returns a triple of the project name, project version, and package type. The name and version are spelled the same as they appear in the filename; no normalization is performed.

The package type may be any of the following strings:

  • 'dumb'
  • 'egg'
  • 'msi'
  • 'rpm'
  • 'sdist'
  • 'wheel'
  • 'wininst'

If the filename cannot be parsed, (None, None, None) is returned.

Note that some filenames (e.g., 1-2-3.tar.gz) may be ambiguous as to which part is the project name and which is the version. In order to resolve the ambiguity, the expected value for the project name (modulo normalization) can be supplied as the project_name argument to the function. If the filename can be parsed with the given string in the role of the project name, the results of that parse will be returned; otherwise, the function will fall back to breaking the project & version apart at an unspecified point.