Some features of Lupin requires to persist a dump of you Github repository. Deta only provides a read-only file system for your apps, and the worker on which your app run frequently switches.
Due to these limitations, some features were disabled:
- Generation of MindMaps
- Markdown Export (but this is natively supported by Logseq in 0.0.14)
- Space repetition
I did not test the encryption because I am not interested in this feature.
- Clone me:
- Fill your secrets
- Create a telegram bot
- Generate a Github token from
mv sample.env .env
- Add your tokens to the envfile
- Configure Lupin using the config.ini file (
mv config.sample.ini config.ini
) - Install deta and deploy your app
- Create an account in Deta
- Install the deta cli
- Create a new micro: 'deta new lupin'
- Add your credentials to your micro:
deta update -e .env
- Deploy you app:
deta deploy
- Configure the webhook
curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"url": "<micro-url>/webhook"}' '<your-telegram-bot-token>/setWebhook'
- Add a cron to deta if you want an automatically generated calendar
deta cron set "1 day"