The only purpose of this branch is to allow to clone the project with an included sqlite dataset.
Covid dash and analysis using streamlit.
- Premade plots
- Hospital patients per mill over time
- Deaths per mill over time
- Hospital patients per mill vs New cases per mill (with OLS regression)
- Positivity rate over time
- Usermade plots
- Group by string variables
- Date only on x-axis
- Floats and integers on x-, y-axes but not legend
- Dynamic plot title
- Dataset summary
- Descriptive statistics
- Usermade customizable dataset summary
- Get the data
- Download plot (via plotly)
- Premade plots
- Description of each plot
- Positivity rate per country
- With customizable date
- Usermade plots
- Only categorical variables in legend
- Depending on plot type (bar, line, scatter)
- Ability to choose countries outside plotly
- Only categorical variables in legend
- Dataset summary
- Comparative statistics (traditional stats)
- Predictive statistics (machine learning)
- Download customized dataset
- Premade heatmaps
- Usermade heatmaps
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
Installer script will:
- Create new environment
- Install all required python libraries
- Add a cronjob to cron (if user desires, can be done post installation as well)
- Start the covid_dash script on
port 8504