
Small python daemon that gives new started docker containers IPv6 internet connectivity by automatically adding their IPv6 addresses to the NDP proxy table.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Release v1-beta.1

Small python daemon that gives new started docker containers IPv6 internet connectivity by automatically adding their IPv6 addresses to the NDP proxy table.

The situation

If you enable IPv6 on your Docker configuration you maybe have trouble with connecting your containers to the internet. This article describes one way to achieve this with Using NDP proxying. The problem is that for IPv6's NDP every IP that should be proxied must be added to the proxy table. It is not possible to register an IP range like with IPv4's ARP.

What docker-ndp-daemon does

docker-ndp-daemon watches Dockers Event API. If a container starts and connects to the network docker-ndp-daemon get's called, fetches the containers IPv6 address and adds it to the IPv6 NDP proxy table. Now traffic from or to this IPv6 address is routed over the network interface that is the Internet gateway.


  1. Tested with Python 3.6.6
  2. The docker Python module (sudo install with pip3 install docker).
  3. A user which can sudo to root without entering password.


  1. Download or clone docker-ndp-daemon from this repository.
  2. Change settings in dnd.ini. Normally only the gateway has to be changed (Default: eth0). Set this to your hosts internet gatway network interface. If your docker socket differs from /var/run/docker.sock you can change this setting too.

Alternatively you can run the daemon as a docker container as well. You can use this simple Dockerfile as a template.


cd <download-dir>/app && python3 main.py

It is necessary to cd into the <download-dir>/app directory first so that docker-ndp-proxy can find its configuration file dnd.ini.

Log Output

After startup the logfile is printed to STDOUT:

01:  2018-10-11 17:34:48,836 - daemon.events - INFO - Connecting ...
02:  2018-10-11 17:34:48,837 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Activating IPv6 ndp proxy on 'eth0' ...
03:  2018-10-11 17:34:48,864 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Adding all runnning containers to IPv6 ndp proxy...
04:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,034 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Ignoring container 'ipv6-enabler'. It has no IPv6 address.
05:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,123 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Setting IPv6 ndp proxy for container 'mariadb': 'sudo ip -6 neigh add proxy 2a02:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:d::5 dev eth0'
06:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,170 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Setting IPv6 ndp proxy for container 'sensu-monitor': 'sudo ip -6 neigh add proxy 2a02:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:d::12 dev eth0'
07:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,221 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Setting IPv6 ndp proxy for container 'dokuwiki': 'sudo ip -6 neigh add proxy 2a02:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:d::16 dev eth0'
08:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,360 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Setting IPv6 ndp proxy for container 'mail': 'sudo ip -6 neigh add proxy 2a02:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:d::15 dev eth0'
09:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,687 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Setting IPv6 ndp proxy for container 'gitlab': 'sudo ip -6 neigh add proxy 2a02:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:d::8 dev eth0'
10:  2018-10-11 17:34:49,937 - daemon.events - INFO - Listening for Events ...
11:  2018-10-11 18:01:02,437 - daemon.ndp - INFO - Setting IPv6 ndp proxy for container 'backup': 'sudo ip -6 neigh add proxy 2a02:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:d::17 dev eth0'
  • Line 01: dnd is connecting to the Docker API.
  • Line 02: dnd is activating IPv6 NDP proxying on the networking stack.
  • Line 03: From here to line 09 dnd is adding the IPv6 addresses of all currently running containers to the NDP proxy table.
  • Line 10: Startup phase is over. Now dnd is waiting for new network connection events from docker.
  • Line 11: dnd was informed that the container backup was just connected to the network and adds it's IPv6 address to the NDP proxy table.