
A tutorial for plotting shapefiles with ggplot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LunchinatoRs: Map visualization basics

Materials for a talk given at the LunchinatoRs weekly meeting at ISU on 11/20/2020. In this presentation, we go over the basics of working with sf objects and work towards building a basic animation of the change in Iowa county populations over the last several years. The talk is intended for people with some basic understanding of R and working with tidyverse functions (specifically %>%, dplyr verbs, and ggplot).

You can see the presentation here. If you are having trouble viewing the presentation online, the same content is printed out in prsentation.pdf.

Packages required

  • tidyverse: data manipulation and visualization
  • sf: working with shapefiles
  • gganimate: animations
  • ggthemes: we'll use theme_map() on all of our map plots
  • geofacet: some bonus visualizations