Automatic script for PIF config generation

*Please read all instructions carefully before asking any questions!

What is this?

This repo has scripts for generating custom PIF config files to use with PIF v14 and dev versions.

How to use this?

  • You first need to clone the repo and navigate to it:
    git clone
    # Navigate to the cloned directory
    cd GeneratePIF
  • The script has two files. The first one is and the second is modified from @osm0sis' original
  • You need to copy a device repo from tadi's device dump (link in step 1) and paste it when prompted after running the first script.

Termux Users

  • For those who want to use the Termux app to run these scripts on your phone, make sure you have the latest F-Droid release. Get it here.
  • In order to run the script properly on Termux, git needs to be properly installed:
    • First update the package mirrors then install git:
      pkg update
      pkg install git
  • If everything was updated and installed correctly, you can proceed to the main instructions as normal.

The structure

  1. Skip running all the scripts individually by running file instead. Running them individually can still be useful if you just want to repeat regenerating the json files only.

    • Make exectuable and run
      chmod +x
      # Run the script
    • You can skip to step 8 if you run file.
  2. The first script clones a repo from a device repo link the user will provide from the dump repo: It initializes the git repo without checkout so that we don't have to download unnecessary files.

    • Make sure the script is exectuable first:

      chmod +x
      # Then run
      # Pro tip:
      # If you are lazy you can always type the first couple of lines and
      # add the '*' to search for the trailing letters/characters of the file
      # name as long as no file has a similar name to the script
  3. The required files are cloned individually using git checkout branch -- filename.

    • We only need two files for to generate the config file:
      • build.prop file from system and vendor directories are cloned.
      • For just in case, the build.prop from system/product is also cloned if available.
      • Do not worry if the script outputs some errors. As long as the end result has at least 2 files, you are good.
        • In rare cases I have seen the fingerprints generate just fine with only one file but this is not always the case. Make sure to check that the end result produces ALL json properties properly. Reference File format section for more info.
  4. The script will then move and rename files appropriately for the second script to use in the root of the repo directory.

  5. Run the second script.

    • Make sure the script is exectuable first:

      chmod +x
      # Then run
      # Or use the shortened version
  6. Running the second script will output a list of directories in the root of the script's directory for you to choose.

    • You will see something like this:

      ### System build.prop to custom.pif.json/.prop creator ###
      # by osm0sis @ xda-developers
      # and modified by Juleast @
      # Choose your cloned directory by referencing the number
      # next to each directory name. (ignore .git or empty name directories)
      1. .git
      2. judyp
      Enter number:
  7. Inputting the number corresponding to the desired directory will navigate to it and work its magic.

  8. You will find your custom.pif.json file in the directory you chose in step 7.

    • For Termux users, the home directory of Termux is usually hidden in the temp directory. Thus, what I advise is to copy the generated file before you close Termux to avoid confusions and not have to dig through your phone's file manager app.
      • ie. If you cloned and generated a fingerprint for LG V35 (judyp), you will see a folder named judyp.
      • Navigate to the directory and copy the file you generated
        cd judyp
        cp custom.pif.json /sdcard/Downloads
  9. Rename this file to pif.json and move it inside /data/adb folder on your device using your favorite root explorer.

    • if you know how to use adb and shell commands:
      cp path_to_your_file /data/adb/

For manual generation

If you would like to take on the tedious task of finding each prop value and then copying it to your json file, here is a list of prop names that each json config property corresponds to:

    • ro.product.device
    • ro.product.system.device
    • ro.product.manufacturer
    • ro.product.system.manufacturer
    • ro.product.product.manufacturer
  • BRAND:
    • ro.product.brand
    • ro.product.system.brand
    • ro.product.product.brand
  • MODEL:
    • ro.product.model
    • ro.product.system.model
    • ro.product.product.model

Then save your file like this:

File format

  "PRODUCT": "taimen",
  "DEVICE": "taimen",
  "MANUFACTURER": "Google",
  "BRAND": "google",
  "MODEL": "Pixel 2 XL",
  "FINGERPRINT": "google/taimen/taimen:8.1.0/OPM4.171019.021.R1/4833808:user/release-keys",
  "SECURITY_PATCH": "2018-07-05",

*Above fingerprint is already banned and is only an example.
