Welcome to the 2nd PHP Coding Challenge!


  • You have an hour to finish the challenge
  • You must use PHP as your main language to code the application
  • You can run your programs in console or create htmls to capture and show results
  • You can use images from the web, interface templates or any kind of UI enhancer you like. There are no restrictions for the application visual design
  • You will have to turn in your code so try to keep it as organized as possible
  • JSON files will be provided to speed up development
  • You can use your framework's automatic generated application template, but you won't be allowed to download an already built application and edit it
  • You can even have your template and a DB connection ready before starting the challenge
  • The competition is individual, no teams will be allowed and talking to other participants could result in disqualification
  • No time extensions will be given
  • Technical problems with your hardware/software won't be able to be used as excuses
  • We expect you have tested your development environment before the competition
  • You can deploy your project to a remote server or just show it in your computer
  • The competition is individual, no teams will be allowed and talking to other participants could result in disqualification
  • Whenever you are done notify a facilitator so they can write down the time
  • Facilitator will write down the time if all programs run as expected and without bugs


6 "Real World" Problems to pick from. Choose wisely!

  • 1) How drunk are you?: 6 points
  • 2) Change Calculator: 2 points
  • 3) Spurs Stats: 1 point
  • 4) Arabic to Roman Converter: 4 points
  • 5) Leap Year Identifier : 3 points
  • 6) The Shortsighted Bishop : 7 points
  • 7) Largest Prime Factor: 4 points


  • Participant with highest score will win.
  • Programs must behave at least as described in the specification.
  • Programs will not be accepted if they have any bugs. You can submit them again after you fix them.


  • Development time.
  • Code cleanness.
  • Code efficiency (less lines of code do more)
  • Validation for numbers / strings
  • Handling of exceptions
  • Handling of special cases