It is simple i18n translator scoped with type safety.
Althogh get
gets the phrase based on the string like other i18n packages, typesafe-i18n
properly restrict the usable keyword.
import * as typesafeI18n from "@ponday/typesafe-i18n";
const localeEn = typesafeI18n.createLocale({
foo: "Foo",
bar: {
baz: "BarBaz",
const localeJa = typesafeI18n.createLocale({
foo: "ふー",
const i18n = typesafeI18n.create({
fallbackLocale: "en",
initialLocale: typesafeI18n.intl(),
locales: {
"ja-JP": localeJa,
"en-US": localeEn,