
An interface to easily view, pause, kill and start new scripts for Grand Theft Auto V, powered by ImGui

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Script Viewer


Script Viewer lets you easily view and modify (pause and kill) scripts in Grand Theft Auto V, along with the ability to easily start new ones in an easy to understand interface.

Toggle it in-game by pressing CTRL + O.


You need Visual Studio 2019 along with the most recent build tools.

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/pongo1231/V_ScriptViewer.git

  2. Go into the cloned directory

  3. Initialize all submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
  1. Open vendor/minhook/build/VC16/MinHookVC16.sln in Visual Studio

  2. Compile libMinHook as x64 Release build

  3. Open ScriptViewer.sln (located in the project root) in Visual Studio