
Themes and Thread Links in Google Hangouts Chat (GHC)

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Better Hangouts Chat

This patch extends Google Hangouts Chat to make it nicer and simpler to use. Works with both the official Electron clients and the web version.


Current features:

  • Smaller margins and buttons for better readability and screen space optimization
  • Thread-link buttons at the top of each thread for easier referencing
  • Several different color schemes:
    • GHC standard colors
    • Slack colors
    • Dark theme (for lower eye strain)

Former features:

  • Custom emojis (broken for now)

Installing from official release files

  • Download the latest release from the 'releases' section: https://github.com/paveyry/better-hangoutschat/releases
  • For the electron client: open the client at least once, then replace the official main.js with the patched one at this path:
    • For Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Hangouts Chat\resources\app\main.js
    • For macOS: /Applications/Chat.app/Contents/Resources/app/main.js
    • For GNU/Linux: Google have not released their electron client for GNU/Linux, but you can use the browser script with the web version.
  • For the browser, just paste the gmonkeyscript.js script in your greasemonkey or tampermonkey extension

Easy installation on macOS

  • Install the GHC client

  • Run it at least once

  • Clone this repository

  • Run the make install rule with the appropriate THEME variable:

      THEME=<slack|ghc|dark> make install
  • Restart GHC

Building script from source

Just run this command:


The script will appear in out. You can now copy it in your greasemonkey or tampermonkey extension

Building Electron Client patch from source

  • Install the GHC client

  • Run it at least once (this is important)

  • Locate main.js in the installation directory on Windows, or in the App package on Mac (/Applications/Chat.app/Contents/Resources/app/main.js) and run this command:

      ./generate_patch.sh <path/to/main.js>
  • The patched electron file will appear in out. Simply replace the initial one with the patched one:

      cp out/<theme>/main.js /Applications/Chat.app/Contents/Resources/app/main.js
  • Restart GHC.


Thread links


Dark Theme


Slack Theme


GHC Theme
