Githelper: a simple Python script to shorten Git operations even better than bash aliases can.
Rather than git add -A
, do g a
! Did you also want to git commit
and then
git push
? Do g acp
! Mix and match the letters until you get the operations
you want, and they will be run in order.
Also yells at you if you accidentally try to force push to the master branch
using the f
You can also add args to the end of the command as long as you're only doing
one operation, e.g. g p --force
a: git add -A
c: git commit -v
s: git stash --include-untracked
r: git fetch && git rebase remotes/origin/`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
p: git push
f: git push --force-with-lease
t: git push --tags
To use, clone this repo:
git clone
Then put this in your ~/.bashrc
: (if you're using bash)
alias g='~/githelper/'