
A collection of search plugins for EPFL using OpenSearch.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EPFL search plugins

TL;DR please visit https://ponsfrilus.github.io/searchplugins/


A collection of search plugins for EPFL using OpenSearch hosted on GitHub pages.

Please read the MDN documentation.

Theses plugins were hosted on http://mycroftproject.com, but it become more difficult to manage them, so this repository was created.

Last but not least, the auto-discovery of OpenSearch is no longer working with Google Chrome (see this stackoverflow).

Add / Generate plugins

While it sould be built on push with GitHub actions, you can generate the plugins' XML files and the HTML that reference them by hand, running:

node index.js

It takes data from list.json and output plugins XML files in the opensearch directory.

⚠️ when adding a new plugin, you have to add the corresponding icons in the img repository. See the Icons section of this document.


Please run node index.js --help to see available options.

Plugins list

The plugins list stands in the list.json file. When adding a new search plugin, name, shortName, description, contact, image, searchURL and searchQueryURL have to be set.


When possible, search engines should offer a 16x16 image of type "image/x-icon" or "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" (the Microsoft ICO format) and a 64x64 image of type "image/jpeg" or "image/png".

Each icons of this repo has a epfl-search-service.svg image, in the img directory. Use this [svg] image to generate the 16×16 image of type image/x-icon and a 64×64 image of image/png. It's pretty easy with imagemagick:

convert -background transparent -resize 16 epfl-search-service.svg epfl-search-service.ico

convert -background transparent -resize 64 epfl-search-service.svg epfl-search-service.png

Alternatively, you can run this script to do them all:

for f in $(ls img/*.svg); do 
    echo "Generating ico and png for $f";
    filename=$(basename -- "$f")
    convert -background transparent -resize 16 $f img/$filename.ico
    convert -background transparent -resize 64 $f img/$filename.png

You can use epfl-search-tempalte.svg as template to create new search plugins.