
Google Chrome extension that provides j/k/o navigation for Google, Amazon, Craigslist, Ebay, Yelp, Hackernews and Reddit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Keyboard Shortcuts for Chrome

For more information, please visit: jknavigator.org

Currently supported sites: Google, Facebook, Hackernews, Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, Youtube, Stackoverflow, Quora, Reddit, Yelp, Linkedin

  • /: Focus search box
  • Return or o: Load selected result
  • ⌘+Return: Load selected result in new tab/window
  • j: Select next result
  • k: Select previous result


  1. Install from the Chrome Webstore: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chgfodomgimhbcmlfljhkgildehakgif/

  2. Manual installation

    1. Clone the git repository
    2. In the Chrome extensions window, select "Load unpacked extension" and select the jk-navigator directory.


At the moment we store a compiled version of the coffeescript files and the handlebars templates.

  • coffee --compile *.coffee
  • handlebars siteitem.handlebars -m -f siteitem.js