
A Open API based RESTful service that generates and reads Swiss QR code payment slips.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Swiss QR API

Swiss QR CI swagger-editor

This is an Open API based RESTful service that generates and reads Swiss QR code payment slips. Currently, it offers the following functionality:

  • Scan a Swiss QR Code payment slip from an image or a PDF and parse its content.
  • Generate a Swiss QR code payment slip in PNG, PDF or SVG format.

The API is documented using the Open API standard, which -- once the service is running - you find under /swagger-docs. There is also a very simple UI under /swagger-ui.

Building and running Swiss QR API

Swiss QR API runs on the JVM and was written in Kotlin. In order to build Swiss QR API you will require Java 11 or higher. The project comes with an integrated Gradle wrapper. Once you have checked out the source you can run it using ./gradlew run or build it using ./gradlew distTar or ./gradlew distZip.

Make sure you provide a path to a valid config.json file as program argument. Currently, you can only influence the port under which the Swiss QR API will run (8081 by default).


Swiss QR API relies on a bunch of great open source- libraries. The ones I would like to mention here are:

  • SwissQRBill: An Java library to generate and decode Swiss QR bills .
  • Javalin: An web server framework for Java and Kotlin.
  • BoofCV: A computer vision framework for Java

Thanks a lot to the great work of all people involved in these libraries (and of course all the others, that did not get a mention here)!