Simple Todo App to let you add and find your own tasks.
- Used custom react hooks for useDebounce and useToggle.
- Used React useRef to focus on input after add a new task
- Used React useCallback to optimize the todoList component
- Make TodoList component as a presentational component
Here is codesandbox for this repo
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const useToggle = (initState = false) => { const [status, setStatus] = useState(initState); const toggle = useCallback(() => { setStatus((status) => { return !status; }); }, []); return [status, toggle]; };
const useDebounce = (searchTerm, delay) => { const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = useState(searchTerm); useEffect(() => { const handler = setTimeout(() => { setDebouncedValue(searchTerm); }, delay); return () => { clearTimeout(handler); }; }, [searchTerm, delay]); return debouncedValue; };
Please feel free to submit any issues or pull requests.